Matthias Martins Brunger

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since Jun 26, 2023
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I already grew up with an environment which always had concerns about regerative living and environmental issues. But I really became obessed by making the world a better place with the birth of my daughter. So my dream would be not only to keep my environmental impact as low as possible but to really do large scale positive impact projects. We'll see if that works out!
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Recent posts by Matthias Martins Brunger

I noticed that there are many things that are location specific, e.g. here in Brazil where I'm at there are no hedgehogs, but maybe other animals to build a shelter for or to work with in some kind. The beekeeping requirements could also be applied to stingless bees but are a little bit different etc.
Will these things be accepted? I will ask for every item that I think could be included prior to doing it... but I would be grateful to have some tropics specific items included additionaly
9 months ago
I don't want to offend anyone here, but I suggest you do a quick conversion from imperial units to metric units for the requirements of all badgets and add that to the requirement description to internationalize the SKIP system.
I know it originally was intended for the US and I know you guys love your imperial units, but I do see that SKIP and connecting Otis to aspiring homesteaders is something really relevant all over the world. Noone wants that big monoculture farming takes over all those lovingly cared-for homesteads!
I'm in for world domination!
9 months ago
741 - I would like to be mentored.
742 - I don't have the badges yet, but reading through the badges I think that I already have quite a few skills. So once I get the respective badges I can be a mentor for others.
744 - Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram are all possibilities.
745 - I am German, living part of the year in Brazil (at the moment) a buddy in Germany or/and Brazil would be great.

At some point without a SKIP network in Germany/Brazil these skill badges won't get me connected to landowners. Is there any SKIPpers in Germany/Brazil?

Cheers Matthias