Eric Ellingwood

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since Jul 30, 2023
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My name is Eric Arthur Ellingwood although average should probably be my middle name. School was moderately difficult for me and so I figured if school is meant to prepare someone for life that’s not the life I wanted. so I looked all over the place ( you tube ) (find me on there as well) for something different.  Fast forward over 12 years and here I am 25 now, Investing in my future with Permaculture. I am especially Interested In the skills to inherit property program. Separate from that I’m also interested in starting sibling companies both a for-profit company and a nonprofit charity which will meant to symbiotically complement each other In the spirit of Permaculture.
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Bangor Maine U.S.A.
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Recent posts by Eric Ellingwood

My post is late here. But Paul thankful that you make life cheaper easier and because of That happier
I’m getting started with skip I’m still trying to familiarize myself with the forms and trying to stop procrastinating on carving that first wooden spoon to get my first badge bit for whatever it’s worth. Would that be a woodworking, tool mending, or something else but I guess that’s besides the point of this post

The point of this post is that I’ve been having bad luck in the real world getting started with skip mainly in approaching people and at least two people that I have respect for me I’ve said that the problem lays in the very name skip skills to inherit property I want some more opinions

Not exactly related to the thread but I didn’t see a better place to put this post. If there is a cut it and paste it to there. so I’ve actually been reaching out to farmers at farmers markets Like this. Hay I don’t have any money to buy any vegetables but, I’m interested in being a farmhand, I’m interested in doing free labor The only catch is that I get to document that I did it and then I get to upload it to this thing called skip skills to inherit property and I basically never hear back from them I’m starting to wonder I figure it’s very succinct very straight to the point and doesn’t waste their time. It’s very clear very concise have a feeling I’m doing something wrong? But I’m also wondering if the Name of the program might be a metaphorical Achilles’ heel in many circumstances. The very phrase skills to inherit property might turn People away from the program? because they think what are you trying to steal my land for me somehow??? I’ve heard the phrase people are really Cageie I’m from, Friends have insinuated without  actually saying it at where I’m from people are really guarded; and well they’re nice they’re also suspicious others and refused to accept stuff without something in return. In other words the idea of some thing for nothing is insulting and suspicious to them

I’m wondering if it might be worth a rebrand of skip or something like a parallel or sub program I thought of the phrase/name P.A.S.S. or ( Permaculture advancement, skills and success )

I  am wondering when someone “says skills to inherit property” if that is kind of repulsive to some people whereas if you say hey there’s this thing that I’m doing I’d be willing to do some labor for free around your land in exchange I get to document Through pictures and videos the fact that I did it, whatever ( it ) is. Maybe a farm pond, maybe pruning an apple orchard, maybe a ( Hügl culture bed, ) I can’t spell that ) and then upload it to a forum that counts towards a résumé for being a landscape architect, Farmer, botanist, horticulturalist etc. or something like that what do you think are you interested?

So anyways what do the forms think?

Establish a parallel program that’s basically skills to inherit property without the property inheritance part and Collett pass Pirma culture advancement skills and success???
1 year ago
So I just. Set up my account last night. Where do I begin?