Thom Bri

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since Sep 19, 2023
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Long-time gardener, mainly interested in corn and Native American farming techniques. Grew up on a Midwestern farm. Lived in rural Central America and worked in agriculture there.
Current job, RN.
Past jobs, English teacher, forklift driver, lawn maintenance guy, real estate agent, health insurance claims, etc.
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Recent posts by Thom Bri

Looks fine to me, but I don't claim any great knowledge of huegles. Do you have lots of smaller logs to add too?
Are you going to have machines help dig up soil or do it by hand?
22 hours ago
Make yogurt a couple times a week, but that's a bit different.
22 hours ago

Riona Abhainn wrote:My favourite plant that I have right now is my blueberry plant, each year it gives me more berries, its very happy and I transplanted it into a bigger pot recently so hopefully that will bode well.

The plant I wish would grow here is coffee, it needs zone 9 and we're zone 8.  Our balcony where we grow our plants is maybe a micro climate where we might be able to "zone push" but I'm not so sure.

Have you read David the Good on pushing the zone? I watched his recent video where he shows his coffee trees in Alabama. Of course, outside the greenhouse it was a foot of surprising snow...

And I agree, coffee it is for me too. But, not in zone 6.
2 days ago

stephen zimmerman wrote:
mysteriously 4 of them died out in the fall before it even got cold and they still had plenty of food
not sure if it was mites or pesticide or some other reason
but the good news is 1 of them is still going strong and I am looking forward to another season

Most common reason is mites. Did you attempt any mite treatments?
3 days ago
I am letting dandelions grow on one plot, hoping their deep roots will help.
Now wondering what to do to control the dandelions!
6 days ago
WOW! Sounds like a huge decision!
My main concerns first off would be financial.
Would this put me deeply in debt so that I HAD to make a profit right from the start?
Is there a market for the things I want to produce.?
Can I sell to more distant markets if local markets are insufficient?
Do I have business experience?

It sounds like a wonderful opportunity, something that doesn't appear very often and might be impossible to recover if missed. I'd want to see the current owner's books first. If he is making a decent living off this business...
6 days ago
Let me know if you want some seeds. I can mail a few packages. Corn, beans, tobacco.
Go here:

It's a long list of links to current hugel posts. Lots of new stuff.
I have no data, only my personal anecdotes. In my little garden adding rotten logs and wood and sticks has helped the soil quality a lot. I bury them 2-3 feet deep and leave them for a year or two, then dig them up and mix it all in with the soil. A little different from what you see in other Hugels, no giant mound, but it works for me.
1 week ago
I thought when it rained in one place it rained everywhere on Earth at the same time. Then I saw a storm front coming in and it was raining as it came.
1 week ago