carissa quisenberry

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since Dec 31, 2023
Merit badge: bb list bbv list
Identify as - She/Her and born and raised Female
Birth year - 1990 (I think its a good year to be born in)
Birth month - February (I think its a bad month to be born in)
Worky work - Warehouse, famous for its membership model
Style of living - apartment with plants and animals
Stuff I've done - First born of five kids, Heavily Involved in School Drama, Volunteer English tutor, Volunteer Ecological Restoration worker, Fast food worker, Janitorial, Parks and Rec seasonal worker for my city, Plant nursery worker, volunteer worker at friends' homestead (they introduced me to Fukuoka), Married a guy I met in highschool, attended community college but didn't graduate, Certified as a forklift driver, Video Gamer
Stuff I think about - Want to recover from a deep depression I went into after the pandemic started - Find out how to live a life I want to live - Want to support people I care about - Want to live simply with High Ideals - Want to see needs and solve them - Want to create a system that lets more people be able to live in a way that doesn't hurt them and other people and other life around them, but, instead, makes them better
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Recent posts by carissa quisenberry

Shout out of Gratitude to Samantha Lewis for being her wools and instruments to the Permaculture Technology Jamboree 2024. I barely had any time to speak to her let alone learn from her, but she was kind enough to leave the tools and materials here at Wheaton Labs for a bit... Giving me that chance to tinker around and try to figure this out on my own.
I don't really know what I am doing so wish me luck!

Badge bit requirements:
- Prepare at least 8 ounces of sheep wool for spinning
      - weight is post-processing weight
- Skirt the fleece (remove fecal matter and sort)
- Wash the fleece/fiber
- Flick, card, or comb the fiber

To complete this Badge Bit, you must:
 -  show fiber
 -  show the process of preparing fiber
 -  explain why you chose that method
 -  show finished fiber ready for spinning
6 months ago

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- Deconstructing one adult-sized sweater and unravelling it to harvest the yarn.

To document your completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (less than two minutes):
- The sweater before
- The sweater during deconstruction and unravelling
- Your harvested balls or skeins of yarn from the sweater
- show that the yarn is 100% natural material (either with the label or using a burn test)
6 months ago
You can use an angle grinder as well, just follow the same ideas as shown above.

Minimum requirements:

 - the edge is free of nicks and looks sharp when done

To get certified for this BB, post three pics:

 - closeup pic of the dull edge
 - action pic of sharpening
 - another closeup of sharp edge

I chose not to use power tools. Only a file and whetstone
6 months ago

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- drop 6” to 8” dead tree with a chainsaw.
- Trees larger than 8" diameter are ok if that's what your woodland care plans require to be cut

To get certified for this BB, post pictures or video (less than 2 min) of the following:  

 - Your chosen tree to cut
 - Action shot about half way through felling the tree showing your wedge/notch cut completed
 - Fallen tree
 - Measurement across the stump showing the diameter
6 months ago

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- drop 6” to 8” live tree with a chainsaw

To document your completion of the BB, provide the following as pics or video (<2 min):
- your chosen tree
- tree with the wedge/notch cut
- tree on the ground
- measure across the stump showing diameter

- Trees larger than 8" diameter are ok if that's what your woodland care plans require to be cut
6 months ago
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - make a general purpose natural cleaner
        - needs label explaining contents and purpose
        - needs to be entirely edible

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide proof of the following with pictures (or a video < 2 mins long):
  - before, during, and after of making a general purpose natural cleaner
  - demonstrate it meets the above stated requirements

I grabbed some citric acid and baking soda and put them in easier containers to access....
I put the baking soda in a premade jar with holes in the lid so as to make it easy to shake.
I measured out citric acid and mixed it with water ( missed picture with me adding water ) and dropped it into a sprayer bottle that had already been converted to a citric acid solution carrier.
6 months ago
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - only natural and nontoxic cleaners and polishes

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide proof of the following with pictures (or a video < 2 mins long):
  - before, during, and after of deep cleaning and polishing a stainless steel sink
  - show and describe what you cleaned and polished the stainless steel sink with
  - demonstrate it meets the above stated requirements
6 months ago

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- deep clean the interior of a refrigerator

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
  - a before picture of the dirty refrigerator
  - an action shot of the cleaning of the refrigerator
  - an after picture of the clean refrigerator
  - a description of how waste was handled and what cleaners were used
  - OR a 2-minute video of you doing this

Just used citric acid and baking soda, and wrung the rags out when I was done!
6 months ago

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
  - you must sweep a floor

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
  - a before picture of the floor
  - an action shot of you sweeping the floor
  - an after picture of the floor
  - OR a 2-minute video of you doing this
6 months ago