I believe everyone feels this pressure change but they just don't realize that's what is happening. People watch for a bit and you will start to notice a pattern. Everyone will get up and begin moving around at almost the same time they all feel an urge to "go". Something always falls, be it an item, or rain, or my bladder releasing urin, or a fart/poop... People will argue during these changes without fail, or they will have inexplicable anxiety, headache, aches and pains, or runny nose. They will also have a "brain fart". That's the pressure causing swelling in the brain as mentioned in an earlier post by another commenter.
I never noticed it prior to be homeless and living near the freeway. I noticed a direct correlation between heavy traffic an atmospheric pressure changes as well... If you take note of times that you pass gass or feel a rumble in your stomach you will notice it's at generally the same times each day... Those times tend to line up with traffic rush hours...