Scott Cummings

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since Mar 15, 2024
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   I live in the Southern rockies of New Mexico near Cloudcroft. Not really sure what I'm seeking anymore. I'll be 50 in May of 25. My children are grown. I love the mountains and high desert and have explored every nook and cranny of lincoln national forest. I've had a full life and seen my grandchildren be born in the last couple years. I have a great solar system and am getting to the final stages of building a 1400 soft cabin. If I'm not building a cabin or jeep, I'm Of in the woods enjoying life.
    I wish I had met someone I can trust years ago, and thought I did, but came down with cancer and was left alone once I had given all I could. In August of 2018 I was given less then 6 months so I stopped chemo and avoided a bone marrow transplant. I eat apricot seeds, build, and enjoy the outdoors,  it has kept me going.
  Because of this I'm reluctant to start a relationship,  but I'm still here against all odds. I want to enjoy life and share the beauty around me with someone who truly appreciates it, but don't know if anyone would want to take the risk with me possibly not being around long. It would take a special person who understands that we don't die, except in the flesh, and in the end all any of us can take with us and leave behind is lasting love.
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Thank you. Even makes me feel physically better,  a boost of energy, to hear from yall!
2 months ago
 I've never been to Wisconsin. From what you described, it sounds like a beautiful place. Yes. We both sound quite settled.  Even if I didn't have my land, I raised my children here and wouldn't leave as long as they're near. My son wants to come back and raise his family nearby also. But I have always wanted to see and explore the Michigan u.p. if only I was younger,  lol.
2 months ago
 From what you said, I wish we could have met, but i felt encouraged that someone like you is out there. My kids are grown, and I home schooled as m7ch as I could. I'm 49 until May and live in the Southern rockies of New Mexico. All my vehicles are well built,  but homemade,  as is my home, solar, and water. I've built 8 houses in the last 16 years and have been hoping I'm building my last now. I made the chainsaws I used to mill the lumber for the house also. I should not be starting any kind of relationship though, although it is nice to reach out a little. I was given 6 months to live after 8 months of chemo unless I took a bone marrow transplant,  radiation, and more chemo. I chose not to and eat vitamins and apricot seeds. That was over 6 years ago, and now I'm building a house. I always wanted a big, close family that worked together. I love exploring the forest I live in and off of, but the better part of my energy is gone at the days end now and I fear i can't start over again and live up to what someone like you deserves somewhere else
2 months ago
   Thank you all for your words and wishes.  
Honestly,  I've been embarrassed to look at any responses I wrote so much,  and feel like I can put down so much more. I did try to remarry twice,  I hate to say. Both times I built and left them a house, and I'm to tired to keep doing so much, but not being finished yet. It amazes me how some people can lie directly to your face rye to eye, if they can get what you have. I'm not bitter in the least though,  I helped someone have something they wouldn't have. Got th give and show their children things also. I'm grateful for every experience I've had, good and bad.  
  Every failure,  be it buisness, health, or relationships, has led to new life experiences. I know to approach the next adventure or day with excitement, not resentment for the previous. When I look back, I feel like I've led several different lives, and made the best of each.
    Now, even though I'm still building my hopefully last home, I can sit still and relax a little.  Take a quick journey through the mountains to places i used to have to work months to get a few days off and enjoy. I get by fine on my own but do not have lots of money anymore,  even though I want for nothing. Sometimes it is hard to imagine meeting anyone who leads a similar life and truly enjoys it. I'm at peace in the forest. I can walk hours through the forest with only the moon for light more comfortably than a city street. Looking across a valley listening to the wind in the trees feels so much better than going to a movie. When my kids were little, I would make a quick fire and cook them steak and sausage when we stopped hiking for a break. I loved the excitement they experienced.
  I raised my middle and oldest daughters with full custody,  but my 17 year old son lives in Texas with his mom. My oldest is in Florida with 2 of her own. My middle daughter took classes with the vfd through high-school and was hires as a wildland fire fighter as soon as she graduated. Spent last summer and fall fighting fires in ca, organ, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana.. it would be a dream fulfilled to spendnd a summer traveling the backrooms of the Rockies camping, taking out the jeep and bikes, but I'm a year or two at least from being ready for that. Having big goals though keeps me going, and I can only imagine how much more motivating life is when your sharing it with the right people in your life.
2 months ago
 Thank you John, it means a lot. I want to warn anyone up front,  this might be long so I'm not going to proof read this much. That's not like me, but I'm becoming rapidly addicted to wearing these 1.5 magnifying glasses when I try to type with 1 big finger on these little digital phone keys.
  I wanted to say I do get out every few days in the mountains. I previously wrote that I don't get out. I'm not that boring.
  I don't know exactly why I'm on here, but I feel like I should be. I'm not bragging or looking for attention or sympathy. But I don't know exactly why I'm still here. So I've decided to just be an open book. Maybe it will give someone hope,  or change their outlook on life.
     At a little over 6'2, and an average of 280 most of my life, I always felt a little inferior to most. Most people are shorter than me, but it just made me not notice height. My kids didn't even break 5'5, even my brother's, so I actually felt like a clumsy freak. I was always quite and felt dumb In school, but I've always known how things worked. I felt behind in math because I would think and know the answer but never understood how to do the work until I was in my 30s. I realized it came from knowing how to read a tape measure of all things. I would picture it in my head and could see how fractions work out. I home schooled my kids their first few years and made sure they knew how to read a tape measure. I think people working in the trades are smarter the average when it comes to solving and fixing problems.  
     I never could work behind a desk though. I had one once in a propane company I put together.  When I sat behind it I couldn't figure out how to make money. It's almost like a mental block. That desk was for hiring and firing. Instead I would go out on by street legal dirtbike or offroad work truck I built and find people building cabins in remote places that need propane service.  It brought in so much work I had to hire and train more people to keep up.
     I was plumbing a strangers cabin one night until around 2 in deep blowing snow so his daughter who suddenly showed up would have heat. I realized my buisnesses partners would never work this hard and I could sell and do something without partners. I did  and started a trucking company hauling propane with 2 trucks through Texas,  co, Utah, and nm. I worked to hard, and all I have to show for it is a couple acres in the mountains. Every thing I have is paid for.
     After the trucking co.i could barely walk.
I lived on 4 acres in a 5 bedroom house I built with 2 springs. I got to spend most of my kids childhood there. I was 6'4 but had torn my disk and over 16 years my vertebrae had ground them down. I couldn't walk and built a good part of that house laying down or on crutches. I got my back fused and it stretched me back out from 6ft1 to 6'3 and that home was my therapy and recovery. Providing my own utilities and nice home was my therapy. I believe it is what keeps me going now. I built the chainsaws i used to mill the lumber from my land to go into my house.  I also bought half the lumber,  but it cut cost a lot. Ine used a lot of logs too. I spray foam insulated everything and put 4 inch batting over that. I'm still running power and putting up sheetrock, but just do a little everyday. I feel like I'm lazy, but the now have a decent and warm full powered home to live in. It's 32x40 with a loft and 2 feet underground with 10 ft walls and 9 ft on the inside. It wasn't here a year and a half ago. I have all the sheetrock and insulation to finish it now. Then I'll have to make log cabinets, counters, and furniture.   Oh ya, and mill and plane a pine and juniper floors. So i still have a lot to do. I have not had time to have a garden, although I do have some potatoes in the ground and like to collect the wild leaks around me, or are they seeps. I don't know,  I didn't know their name for years, lol. I found the. When I'd take a break riding, or hiking in the mountains and chew on them. They taste like a garlicky onion. Goes good with  the steak and sausage i would have in my backpack to cook over a quick fire.
    I've lived so far past my time that I realized recently I must be here for some reason. I am starting to think it is just to share love of everything. I've suffered a lot of pain.  More than I could imagine, but the lord has helped me overcome it.I still have it, but the other day I hiked 5 miles through icy mud and snow at 9500 ft with my husky. So im still going strong enough. I'm building a nice place, but often wonder why. I could have traveled instead, but i need a place to tinker. All my vehicles are homemade, but they get me everywhere. They can winch logs out of the forest or go across the us. I would  have nothing if I listened to everyone that told me you can't do that.but I  can't take it with me wher I'm going. The only thing we can take and truly leave behind is the love and joy we have in this world. I have my grown children and parent,brothers ans sisters,  but I wonder if there is supposed to be more to share with.    
2 months ago
   I'll be 50 in May, and have had a full life. My children are grown with 2 grandchildren so I live alone in the southern rockies of N.M. I love being out in the mountains hiking cross country, riding motercycles, or taking the jeep out with my dogs. I'm building a 1400 sqft cabin right now with good solar and rain water collection.
 I love the life I live and wish I could share it, but it would take a special understanding person. In August of 2018 I stopped chemo and refused a bone marrow transplant with more chemo and radiation just to buy me 10 to 15 months with stage 4 mantle cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I went home and sold the land I raised my kids on and started over in a little more remote location. Yes, I hurt and feel bad, but I also overcome it and build on my house, jeeps, and motercycles. I don't hike every day, but don't get out a lot. I live in a small remote community with 9000 acres and maybe 200 people. It's not like being in town though. I see more deer and elk than people.  
   Being that I was given less than six months to live, I didn't think I should start another relationship, but its been over 6 years. I eat apricot seeds and believe it keeps my bad cell counts down.  I still get my blood checked every 3 months and can keep my bad counts down by adjusting how many seeds I eat, but I don't want to give false hope that I'll be around another 10 to 20 years.
  I guess I'm not so much seeking the true love I always thought was out there as much as asking if I should even try. I feel like I missed my chance. I married what I thought was a Christian woman but was taken advantage of and cheated on. She did give me 2 girls and a boy I'm very proud of, but I devoted all my efforts to somthing that was not what I believed it was and lost over 20 years of the chance of growing a life with a soul mate. I am content on my own, but wish I had met that one person I always felt in my heart was out there. Now I feel like it would be wrong of me to seek her, but maybe that is why my Lord has kept me here so long.
3 months ago