Rad Anthony

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since Mar 01, 2025
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Anybody notice plants grow a lot more next to copper and magnets. I been trying this and notice a big jump.
2 days ago
Wow there ya go. That's really awesome. Yep right on. That's beautiful.

Once things come together and y'all feel at home I hope you might find some frogs that make they're way up your way.

I bought some garlic to plant too. It's hard though I gotta stop eating them.

Last year I guerilla gardened a bunch of fruit trees, potato onion and garlic. I want to focus on stuff that blends in and takes a few years to get established but will yield a lot more for more people. I noticed how ancient tribes would plant groves of berries or fruits veggies what have you, and prune the areas and walkways in between. Gonna try the berries with the pines and moor persimmon and paw paw this summer. Threw some jalapeno peppers, cantaloupes, gotu kola, and some random seeds in the winter just after a snow.

Also want to try the three sisters method with young trees as the 'corn'. Have pole beans or melons to run up the trees and squash, strawberries on the bottom. Will try potato and garlic again. I just love potatoes. I noticed when I really take the time to observe nature I see little pockets of where the plants would go or feel at home. Kinda like waking around in high school noticing all the different cliques. Ideally I'd like to be there when it rains, then I see where the raindrops fall. I'll plant the root and tubers there like sweet potato. Let me run and hold the water in. Etc...

Id like to plant more in my apt, my problem is the lighting. The sun doesn't go through the windows very well. Every time I plant something the plants start drooping. I can't really afford the grow lights. I may try spinach I heard you don't need a lot of light for it.

Wow that vintage scene is a great thing! I know folks and myself like to buy vintage things handmade or at the STORE lol. I like a lot of the old buckskin native wear and moccasins those are cool.

I live near a lot of Amish, most of the seeds and my eggs I get from them. They make alot of cool handmade things too. Very rustic too.

One Amish place here makes homemade sausage and ice cream. They make ice cream the old fashioned way, with modern machines and stuff. But man that's stuff is good. They don't barter now but I'm willing to bet the way things are heading lol who knows.

Keep on creating this is really inspiring. You know some days I just feel like quit or just throw it all away. But then I see posts like this and others I get motivated to keep going. Iron sharpens iron. Much love to you and your husband on this full moon!
2 weeks ago
Wow thanks for sharing these are really amazing. I been doing some research about some of this for a while now. Related to water and building. Nature spirals. A lot of ancient measurements like the Egyptian royal cubit and megalithic yard, etc are said to be scales and in harmony of the size and dimensions of earth and space. Our ancestors probably used these measurements when building and creating. Maybe it was like a way of being...in tune with everything. I notice egg shapes do well with water. I had a model of the human skull when you take it apart the bottom half is sort of like an egg with a bunch of tanks and openings for drainage and pipes aka veins.

An egg reminds me of a spiral. You seen that serpent wrapped around the earth? The moon as she goes around the sun shifts the waters so subtle it looks like the yolk of an egg as it's moving...changing up the tides. Up and down. I feel like water spirals too. I seen air bubbles in water down a faucet. The air and water sort of spin and spiral and dance together it looks like this really cool stream. Maybe you could do the same with steam on the other side of it...

The heart naturally vortexes as it beats, the way the hearts tissue is wrapped up it's wrapped in a sort of spiral! And they say time spirals, we live in a world that's so straight edges but nature is very feminine all about curves and stuff.alot of ancient buildings were very feminine I think that's what we are slowly heading too also.

Hey thanks you really inspired me with these. Keep on creating.
2 weeks ago
Just throw out there maybe your husband could buy a truck and haul for local farms businesses etc. Ones involving permaculture folks in your local communities. Also if you home school there has to be more mother's in the area that do the same. Y'all could all come together and build one day and so could the husbands. Barter each other for skills, food, etc what have you. Keep it simple.

Even if it's a small group whatever funds your consort makes from the corporate world he could put into something where those funds could now be circulated amongst y'all. It won't be overnight but the key is detachment. I feel like the key is pockets.

Small pockets of folks everywhere building and coming together.

I know lots of single mothers who come together and home school, buy bunch of land, look up charter schools. Etc. small business association SBA has bunch of good info. But at the same time y'all are doing great it takes a lot of guts to detach from this system we been programmed to put energy into lol. Much love to you and yours.
2 weeks ago
Hey Rich.

Although I'm a bit tied up now, I am interested in staying here at your place in Ruby Valley sometime in the future. Most likely spring time of next year if things line up.

I currently live in PA, I'm looking to go to CA eventually. Id love to stay here for a while on the way. So it won't be a real long term thing unless things change.

I work as a water operator for a municipality. Have experience in water treatment and plumbing. And love to garden and fishing homesteading. Respectful and responsible. I work geologists a good bit when drilling new wells and doing soil and erosion reports. Heard good things about that area of Montana, always wanted to check out bear tooth mountain.

Thanks for your time and willing you find the right folks for your place. Take care.

2 weeks ago
Hey there,  I currently live in PA.
I'm looking to go to California sometime later this year or spring of next year. I'm looking to do a work trade, employment, etc.
I have a small van i could sleep in and a small tent as well. I'm pretty simple don't need much. I'm 36 yo male.

I am looking to get my bearings together in California, clear my head spiritually and get back to nature for a while. Won't be a long term thing. I'm willing to help on the land.

I could barter or teach my skills for yours. Help with bringing in water infrastructure to a community, teach you or the youth plumbing and water treatment, etc. I have experience in gardening, landscaping, carpentry, home improvement, electricity for radio/audio, etc. I currently do plumbing and water treatment for a municipality.

Thanks and much love to you and yours.
2 weeks ago
Figure out your daily water usage. Get a water tank a bit bigger than that. Use that to store and run some filtration. Or build something similar to that video the lady posted on tapping a spring. Except you make a sandwich.... spring...pipe...gravel...coarse gravel...then sand..then repeat it...back to gravel...etc
The sand in the middle of the gravel sandwich will and filter and sort of slow down the spring to act as a sort of tank. Since it's flowing that slow of a speed and if you don't use much more than. That will sort of widen your spring.

As far pressure though you need to store the water somehow to create a pressurized flow. You need flow(storage) to create pressure. The spring alone won't do it. If you plan on creating head keep in mind you will 2.31 feet for every 1 psi. So for at least 50psi which is city water average that at least 100 feet of head. If you had a tank with a pump and diagram you could do the same. it all depends on what you have to work with.
2 weeks ago
With your type of water and daily water usage it all depends on how deep you want to get into maintenance, power requirements, etc.

Typically with your type of water, they put it a greensand filtration system for iron and manganese, followed by an ultraviolet light system to kill the total coliform. You can add sediment filters in between before the UV to protect the life of the UV etc etc. And the add an optional activated carbon filter for flavor and taste and odor.

When you decide to seal your well, start with chlorinating your well. Figure out the static head and how deep( imagine your well a giant pipe full of water), go research online how to calculate chlorine dose. Need to figure out how much water is in that well. Use bleach it's safer. Pout it in, let it for a few hours or overnight. Eyeball it if you don't mind smelling like a pool for a while.

Run your well off and flush out your tanks with that chlorine water.

Then later on Flush your water lines with chlorine, start with a bit more is less with chlorine. Pour it in though the big drums, if not possible pour it down the well again. Open your line long enough to keep the chlorine in the lines. Keep it in there for about 20 minutes, then flush out all your lines.

You have bacteria in your lines since the water lines were probably stagnant in between owner and you moving in. See it all the time.

Now if you want to keep this as primitive as possible you could put it sand filters, 55 gal drums of sand and activated charcoal, you would have to rig it up. If you don't want to use a pump or power you will need a good height difference(head) to push the water through the sand. It's called slow sand filtration that's what they use in water treatment plants look it up. But then when the sand gets bad you will have to shovel out to old sand and put it new. There's also diatomaceous earth filtration. If you get creative you can improvise the whole thing.

If you are able to, get big glass jugs like for home brewing, and sit the water on in good sunlight, that will naturally kill the coliform, at least ,24 hours. Add bit of lemon juice or baking soda, bump the pH up and kill any microorganisms too. You can also buy reverse osmosis system under the sink but you will need a pump for that.

Coliform is weird sometimes it's from septic leaching, manure, etc sometimes it's just decaying foliage down under. So what I'm saying is sometimes it's not necessarily a bad thing. But they use the presence of that to assume that it's bad. So Id say keep the surrounding well head area clean and maybe plant some short root shrubs and stuff around to help with percolation.

Take note of natural springs in nature...ferns birch sycamores berries maples pines etc. they are natural filters. Mother nature knows copy her. She will guide ya strong

Hope that helps. If you have any questions give me a holler.

2 weeks ago
Depending on your daily water usage. And amount and type of iron you have. You could get away with a greensand filtration tank followed by a activated carbon filter. Make sure you're water pressure is adequate. And then for your drinking water lines you could plumb in either a very fine filter or a membrane filter(reverse osmosis) you could put it under the sink. That would save your drinking water. The rest of the lines would still have lead but a lot less. But the drinking water lines will be basically distilled water. If you want to add some flavor or minerals for nutrition, throw a little squirt of lemon juice and wee bit of baking soda.
2 weeks ago