Ernest Friedman-Hill

DĂșnedain of Arnor
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since May 09, 2008
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Recent posts by Ernest Friedman-Hill

Let's all pitch in and buy it:

11 years ago
FYI, all, the problem with the attachments is fixed.
11 years ago

Jessica Deva wrote:However, when I go to 'unwatch' this topic I get an error message. I have Java applets turned off but not Javascript, so not sure if it's on my end or the site.

Hi Jessica,

There seems to be a new, distinct issue being reported on this thread. Both of the people reporting problems with watch/unwatch are using Chrome. I myself use Chrome, though, so it's not as simple as that. Thanks for the data point!

ronie McCoy wrote: NO I tried. I did log on with internet explorer this time. It still warned my that the site I was logging on to was not HTTPS secure and that I could damage the website by logging on..

That message won't be ours; it would be something on your end, either your browser or a firewall, toolbar, or virus protection that you have installed on your own computer, which is trying to protect you from accidentally disclosing your password to others. It's safe to ignore that message and continue.
Problems with watch and unwatch are a separate issue from post/reply/account creation. I actually thought they were sorted but perhaps not.
Heh. It was me, Paul, see my email. Sounds like I already have my confirmation.
Tom, if you're not totally bored of this, you should see the San Diego-specific top and bottom banners at about 30% for real on all thread pages (and only thread pages) now. Can you confirm?
Thought the Permies folks would be interested in this photo, taken at Disney's Hollywood Studios last week.
13 years ago
I am going to propose that you should base this on a combined figure for heat and electricity. I have a downstairs gas furnace and an upstairs heat pump -- not the same as electric heat, really, but the conversion factor is unclear. The nice thing about using a combined figure is that the total amount of energy you use is represented. I could get my electric bill down to zero by buying a diesel generator and running it 24x7, for example, but that would not be eco.

13 years ago