Our "herds" are small and mostly backyards that do not touch wild sheep ranges. We do not have shared grazing grounds like some places and no cases of domestic animals causing problems with them. They are having issues with herd size due to predators and harsh winters and so numbers being down they want to head off perceived problems before one happens. Seems like destruction of private property without any proof our animals are causing problems. Any way. I figured people on here were for people not big government and big money. Delisting would hurt a lot of people in hay, raising grains and straw, let alone people who depend on the animals for food and fiber. They should just fence in the wild sheep and make sure they cannot wander into areas the guides dont want them to go. Like we fence our critters from predators. We are trying to figure out how to be much more self sufficient up here since we rely so heavily on trucking food up from the lower forty-eight. This would certainly not help local food at all.