Hey there Darren,
nearly a year ago you did a course in Crete, Greece. I really wanted to join but sadly couldn't make it due to financial constraints. I'd just spend the summer there and it looks like me and my other half will be moving there in the future. One of the most amazing and excitingly challenging places to be!
Anyway, I looked and looked but couldn't find an update on the course and if the design got implemented or not? How was the course? What do you think of Crete? I think it has much potential, I went to visit one of the botanical gardens there, it had many tropical fruit growing. More than I could imagine would grow in a Mediterranean climate. Did the design that came out get put in place and if not so, could I participate in implementing it still? I'd really love to do 'reconstructive earth surgery', like I've heard it mentioned. Coming from Holland originally, I know how to think about water and its importance
Regardless if its in short supply or over supply, it seems to be the key element in any design.
Ah, and one last question: will you be coming back to Greece at any point? Or europe for that matter?
Cheers for your input,