These things are everywhere at my new place. I dug up areas of sod, flipped them over, and they grew right up through it. They are connected underground by pretty thick white roots into what appears to be one big carpet of hatred for me. They get a couple feet tall. If I can figure out what they are and whether they spread from seed or only by roots, I can chop them and use them as mulch. Any help would be great.
Looking at the veins of the leaf (which is in total 5) it must be plantain spp. lanceolata. A real medicine chest for skin problems like burns
"I was born / I was born to sing for you ♪ / I didn't have a choice but to lift you up / And sing whatever song you wanted me to ♫
I give you back my voice / From the womb my first cry, it was a joyful noise..."
BTW, my DW who is the master gardener and plant swami around here says an app called Plant Identifier is very good. Not sure how much personal information it hoovers up, but the tool itself is useful.
Daniel Gélin wrote:Looking at the veins of the leaf (which is in total 5) it must be plantain spp. lanceolata. A real medicine chest for skin problems like burns
Plantain only ever has basal leaves, not tall stems with leaves all the way up like these. I thought at first rosebay willowherb (fireweed) but goldenrod sounds like a good bet.
Solidago virgaurea is used in a traditional kidney tonic by practitioners of herbal medicine to counter inflammation and irritation caused by bacterial infections or kidney stones.[31][32] Goldenrod is also used in some formulas for cleansing of the kidney or bladder during a healing fast, in conjunction with potassium broth and specific juices.[32] Some Native American cultures traditionally chew the leaves to relieve sore throats, and the roots to relieve toothaches.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Getting married means "We're in love, so let's tell the police!" - and invite this tiny ad to the wedding: