Source: Amazon
Author -
Laurence Hutchinson
Publisher -
Permanent Publications
Permanent Publications says, "This practical and informative book describes how to create
aquaculture systems that are not wasteful or polluting, and are self-sustaining. It focuses on the design and development of natural food chains as a solution to the problems associated with fish farming, and offers a design framework for successful ecological aquaculture in all but the most extreme climates."
About the Author
Permanent Publications says, "Laurence Hutchinson has travelled extensively around the world and has spend 30+ years developing ecological freshwater aquaculture, a multi-trophic natural feeding system that remains ecologically
sustainable, producing fish and a multiple product range from within the enhanced ecological design program. He is now involved with international consultancy work setting up ecological aquaculture and aquaponic facilities incorporating the themes of ecological food production, non polluting aquaculture."
Where to get it?
Permanent Publications
amazon us
amazon uk
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