This badge bit (
BB) is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the iron badge in
project starts with planting the seed and includes processing the fiber/leather, making the fabric, and creating a pair of hard-soled shoes.
Minimum requirements:
- Plant the seed: either animal
feed seed or a fiber seed like cotton or
- Harvest the plant or animal material that came from those seeds
- Process that material into yarn and fabric or leather
- Shoes must have a hard sole
- Must not use petroleum-based materials
- Shoes must be sewn, no commercial adhesives
To document completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pics or
video (< 4 min):
- The seeds you are planting
- The plants growing or animals eating the plants
- Harvesting the plant or animal material or hide
- Processing the material into fabric or leather
- Your materials, pattern, and tools
- Show and describe making the shoes
- Show wearing the finished shoes to demonstrate fit
You can find instructions at the following websites:
How to Make Homemade Shoes
How to Make Shoes
And on these videos: