This badge bit (
BB) is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
wood badge in
In this
project, you will make an event tent.
It could be:
- an event
canopy with walls
- a “medieval marquee tent”
Minimum requirements:
- will be made from natural materials
- will have four walls and two removable doors
- walls will be at least 7 feet tall
- reusing an old frame is allowed
- minimum
footprint of 250 square feet
- will have flat fell seams
- will be hemmed
To document completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pics or
video (< 2min):
- Show and describe the kind of event tent you will make, materials, and tools.
- Show making the canvas cover.
- Show erecting the frame
- Show putting on the cover.
- Show the removable doors
- Show your seams and hem.
- Show your completed tent in way that documents the size.