This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP Curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
wood badge in
Natural Medicine.
Here are videos with ideas which may or may not be applicable to your friend's issue:
Minimum requirements:
- Prove you have helped your friend with their ruptured/torn muscle, ligament, or tendon rehab
- Provide "Guided" care where you visit and advise your friend as much as needed
- Refer to them by a number or pseudonym that you will continue to use for that friend throughout the Natural Medicine badge
To document completion of the BB, provide the following:
- Your friend's pseudonym
- Your suggestions for relief (including, but not limited to)
- Behavioral
- Food as medicine
- Concoctions
- Before, during, and after proof of the following:
- Wound/incision healing from surgical repair (if any)
- Reduction of swelling, bruising, etc. from the break/fracture itself
- Increased range of motion, dexterity, strength gains, and/or normalization of gait/movement in the affected body part (perhaps a weekly
video of the friend performing a set of physical therapy exercises, or progressing from crutches to walking
boot to unassisted walking over time)
- Other visible signs of improvement
- Descriptions of subjective experiences such as pain and other relevant symptoms that cannot be documented visually