Nicole Alderman wrote:I'll try and get some of these badge bits started today at nap!
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Beau Davidson wrote:Do we post for BB certification on this thread, or wait for individual BB threads to occur? Do you need help creating threads for each?
Nicole Alderman wrote:
Beau Davidson wrote:Do we post for BB certification on this thread, or wait for individual BB threads to occur? Do you need help creating threads for each?
Pretty sure Paul wants us to wait until the thread is made, though I can manually move a post to the thread once it's made...but it's a bit of work and I might forget to. So, probably best to wait, but if you really need to post it before you forget or lose the pictures, I can work with that, too.
I would be WONDERFUL to have help making these BBs! Just follow the format of the other ones, and we can turn it into a wiki and add in any formatting that was confusing. So, yes! Please help make Badge Bit threads if you can! You'll get a ton of apples and pie for it, too!!!
Nicole Alderman wrote:I'm thinking it might be necessary to wait until the two weeks is over? Which seems really annoying, but since this is all about making the preparations correctly and safely, I think we might need the picture of it all the way finished. I'll let Paul make that call, though.
r ranson wrote:
1. what if the BB description could include a bit about why we are making this?
2. what if some of the journal requirements were optional?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
r ranson wrote:
These are my ideas - I would love your thoughts on this (especially Nicole and lesley as you've both made some lovely BB pages for the Natural Medicine)
2. what if some of the journal requirements were optional?
What do you guys think?
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must post:
- a picture of your journal page about Lavendar & Hibiscus Infused Vinegar.
- a picture of your journal pages about the uses and attributes of: lavendar, hibiscus, and apple cider vinegar
- a picture of your ingredients
- a picture of your ingredients in vinegar
- a picture of your completed infused vinegar in a labeled container
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must post:
- a picture of your journal page about Lavendar & Hibiscus Infused Vinegar.
- a picture of your journal page(s) identifying lavender and hibiscus
- a picture of your ingredients
- a picture of your ingredients in vinegar
- a picture of your completed infused vinegar in a labelled container
r ranson wrote:
But I wonder, if we have a journal page identifying lavender, could we reuse it for all the badges that include lavender?
I think it was really important to the people who study and do natural medicine that the people who get a badge in it, really know what they're doing. I think quality over quantity is better.
At the sand level, what do we really need to know?
a. how to identify the plants
b. how to make the concoction
c. what the concoction does
So many plants, so little time
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
So many plants, so little time
Congratulations on your first badge Dawn!!!
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This badge was certified complete by Mike Barkley! (thanks Mike B)
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Certified, congratulations on your 5th sand badge!
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