This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP Curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
Natural Medicine.
Here's a
video that has a few ideas which may or may not be applicable to your friend's issue:
Minimum requirements:
- Help your friend with their Muscle cramps problem
- Refer to them by a number or pseudonym that you will continue to use for that friend throughout the Natural Medicine badge
To document completion of the BB, provide the following:
- Your friend's pseudonym
- Describe the issue your friend is struggling with
- Symptoms
- Duration
- Severity
- Medical diagnosis (if any)
- Your suggestions for relief (including, but not limited to)
- Behavioral
- Food as medicine
- Concoctions
- Description of success (including, but not limited to)
- What your friend actually did
- How well it worked
- How long it took to see results
- Picture of you with friend on the first meeting
- Picture of you with friend (giving a thumbs up) on your last meeting