Shaun Hill

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since Feb 01, 2021
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Virginia, USA
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Recent posts by Shaun Hill

I was impressed with how well this cleaned up the bottom of the stove.  The glass, even though it looks 10x better still could be a bit cleaner.
3 years ago
I got a fire extinguisher and put it in my basement laundry room.
3 years ago
I bought 4 additional smoke detectors to install in various rooms that didn't have them in my home.
3 years ago
I got a smoke detector/carbon monoxide combo for a bedroom in my house.  It was installed today!
3 years ago
It was time to sharpen again!  Since I didn't get good pictures last time hopefully this time they are good enough to pass.

3 years ago
I had my 11yo daughter assist with the build!

We used some 2x4's for the frame and cedar fencing for the platforms.  There are supports under the top platform.
Sorry, I forgot to take that last picture!  I lashed it with paracord and can still get my fingers around it.
This one was pretty fun.  I didn't realize how quick it would go.  I used a chunk of Paw Paw wood.
The old plug didn't really have any wiring issues, but cables were loose and the plug was brittle.  

3 years ago
There's this cool app called "Seek".  You can scan plants and it will tell you what it thinks they are.  I've found it's pretty accurate for the most part.  I took the pictures you posted and put them through it.  It's saying that first vine is Texas Virgin's Bower (Clematis Drummondii).  It's saying the other is Jasmine, so I'm not sure if that one's accurate or not, it's not the best picture for this app.
3 years ago