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This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum.  Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.

In this badge bit, you will harvest, dry and store peppermint

You need to dry enough to make a tea, infusion or decoction.

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must post:
- a picture of your fresh herbs being harvested
- a picture of your herbs drying (hanging, in a dehydrator, or in a bag, etc)
- a picture of your herbs in a sealed and labelled container.
    - label shows where the herbs came from, the date and method of drying.
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I dried some peppermint when I made tea the other day (last month).  Normally it's dried in our solar dehydrator but it was cloudy so I used a plate in the sun in the living room for a couple days.

My journal is a Word-like document so instead of a picture of the journal, here's a cut and paste from the applicable part of my journal:

Culinary?  Yes, yummy!  
Medicinal uses:
 Digestive aid
 Relieves gas and nausea
 Reduces pain of headaches, bee stings, burns and toothaches
 South side of the orchard plum trees
Harvest log:
 10/19/19 – dried on plate

Peppermint being harvested
Peppermint being harvested
Drying on a plate
Drying on a plate
Staff note (Dave Burton) :

I hereby certify this BB as complete

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My husband drinks a LOT of mint tea for his crohn's. So I dry a lot of it!

Here's some mint I harvested:

And drying:

And in a labled container:

(There's a lot more pictures of me drying mint in the foraging thread)

And here's the journal entry:

[Thumbnail for 20200524_184110.jpg]
Staff note (Mike Haasl) :

I certify this BB complete!

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My mint (pepper and spear) is not a wild harvest. I have them both planted in "beds" of sorts. Will this still qualify for the BB? I also forgot to take pics as I'm harvesting. Will a pic of cutting just a few stems count? My first batch of the year is already dry, but I still need to remove the stems and can photograph that part and the container part. Hoping to be able to qualify my mint harvest for the progress toward a full sand badge.
Nicole Alderman
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I'm thinking posted the pictures of it drying, and then with the stems off, and then in the container,  AND went out and took pictures of the mint plants, and picked a few more mint leaves, that should qualify.

The badge bit doesn't specify how much mint or where you harvested it from, so I think you've got a bit of lee-way.
Deedee Dezso
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Submitted for acceptance to satisfy BB requirements medicine.sand.drypeppermint
I've got more spearmint because I use more of that. But I do have a small peppermint bed.

I give my mints a quick rinse off, then lay them no more than 2 layers deep on a sheet/ light blanket, or other cloth, then wrap lightly and leave where it gets a few hours of sun each day. Usually only takes a day or 3 to be dry enough to strip off the stems and store them in something, preferring a glass jar. Wrapping in a cloth serves several purposes; absorbs the moisture, keeps direct sun off so the herbs won't bleach out, also keeps the breezes from spilling your harvest all over! And if you don't have the time to further process your harvest, it stays neatly wrapped until you can. I've actually forgotten these bundles until months later! No harm, no foul!

This shows this year's first harvest of my mints. There should be another 2 at least before I allow them to flower and set seed, from which I have had volunteers sprout where I laid those cut seed heads for just a bit too long! But those mints don't even smell the same!
cutting peppermint
cutting peppermint
cutting spearmint
cutting spearmint
spearmint wrapped in cloth to dry- it's ready
spearmint wrapped in cloth to dry- it's ready
leftover stems from spearmint
leftover stems from spearmint
peppermint wrapped in cloth to dry - ready to finish
peppermint wrapped in cloth to dry - ready to finish
mints stripped from stems and stored
mints stripped from stems and stored
Staff note (Mike Haasl) :

I certify this BB complete!

Mike Haasl
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Agreed, this BB is in Natural Medicine and doesn't require the plant to be wild.  As opposed to the Foraging badge...
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For the dried peppermint BB of natural medicine. I actually harvested a whole lot of different kinds of mint but I did keep the peppermint separate in case that matters.

Harvested mints. Pepprmint at upper right
Mints in the dryer, peppermint on top tray
Mints in the dryer, peppermint on top tray
Harvested mints. Pepprmint at upper right
Dried pepprmint leaves in a bowl to be crushed
Dried mints in the dryer
Crushed pepprmint in container, labelled
Dried pepprmint leaves in a bowl to be crushed
Journal page
Crushed pepprmint in container, labelled
Journal page
Journal page
Staff note (Mike Haasl) :

I certify this BB complete, along with your new air badge in Natural Medicine!

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Hello natural medicine people!  

Here I am harvesting peppermint.  I'm starting small to test out how this works, just a few mint sprigs.

And drying it:

And here are my final dried leafs with the information about its origins:

Staff note (Mike Haasl) :

I certify this BB complete, along with your spiffy new air badge for Natural Medicine!

author & steward
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I'm starting to explore more of the PEP badges and discovering all sorts of useful things. Here's my start on the Natural Medicine badge.

Harvesting fresh peppermint

Air drying on a bamboo mat.

Dried leaves stored in glass jar.

I'm also getting a start on my natural medicine journal. Peppermint is my first page!

Peppermint entry for natural medicine journal.
Staff note (Mike Haasl) :

I certify this BB complete, along with your next Air badge

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Approved submission
Here is my submission for the Dry Peppermint BB - Natural Medicine Aspect - sand.

To document the completion of the BB, I have provided the following:
- a picture of my drying rack
- a picture of your fresh herbs being harvested
- a picture of your herbs drying (hanging, in a dehydrator, or in a bag, etc)
- a picture of your herbs in a sealed and labeled container.
   - label shows where the herbs came from, the date and method of drying.
- my journal page listing the attributes and uses of the herb from my peppermint infusion natural medicine post.  
My Screen Stack - an outdoor drying with my sister and laundry for scale
My Screen Stack - an outdoor drying with my sister and laundry for scale
harvesting mint
harvesting mint
Shelf of Mint - the center section if for this BB - the rest is for a foraging BB
Shelf of Mint - the center section if for this BB - the rest is for a foraging BB
the centersection - dry
the centersection - dry
removing leaves from stems
removing leaves from stems
Staff note (Rob Lineberger) :

I certify this BB as complete.

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BB for certification
[Thumbnail for 2E7D8A84-760F-416B-A7F8-0920B3C42650.jpeg]
[Thumbnail for 4DEC8127-4B25-48DA-BFAD-A121AFEC62AB.jpeg]
[Thumbnail for 72460804-F314-458D-B737-A3E5A3782FD8.jpeg]
[Thumbnail for E4E211DC-6A38-4B1A-A417-8C0212D5342C.jpeg]
Staff note (Rob Lineberger) :

Certified!  That's nice looking mint.  I don't have an apple to throw at you but I'll find one.

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Garden grown and dried in my drying rack in the garage.
Garden fresh
Garden fresh
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: The label is incomplete.

Staff note (Paul Fookes) :

Missing photo and certification below

Shannon Lawrence
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Updated label with air dried as this was dried in the rack in the garage
Updated label
Updated label
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone approved this submission.
Note: I hereby certify this badge bit complete. first post here: https://permies.com/p/1308326

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Hey Skip team! Preserving my peppermint before the hard frost. I harvested it, dried it in a dehydrator, and stored it in a labeled glass jar in my basement.
(ah, you are right, must have uploaded the wrong pic... now it's peppermint)
harvesting the peppermint
harvesting the peppermint
drying the peppermint
drying the peppermint
storing the real peppermint
storing the real peppermint
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as an edge case BB.
BBV price: 0
Note: Your label looks like it is for lemonbalm.  Please edit this post and add photo showing required detals.

Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone approved this submission.
Note: I certify this badge bit complete.

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For this bb, I harvested some peppermint from my garden. I just want to put a disclaimer that I did this multiple times to get a "big" amount, as my peppermint plants are relatively new and I didn't want to over-harvest them. The steps I used for each harvest was the same, process was the same etc.
My peppermint plant
My peppermint plant
This pic was from the first harvest, I took roughly the same amount each time
This pic was from the first harvest, I took roughly the same amount each time
Drying these in the air near my screen door where there is consistent air flow
Drying these in the air near my screen door where there is consistent air flow
Dried peppermint
Dried peppermint
Updated label to show method of drying and correct information
Updated label to show method of drying and correct information
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as an edge case BB.
BBV price: 0
Note: Please show dried herbs and update label with all required info.

Staff note (gir bot) :

Megan Palmer approved this submission.

James Rhodes
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My apologies, I thought I got everything. My post has been updated to reflect the correct information
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Found some peppermint in an abandoned garden plot near mine. I decided to take some for a future tea.

Collected mint.

Hanging the mint to dry.

A few days later, the dried leaves picked from the stem.

Labelled and stowed away for later.

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Opalyn Rose approved this submission.
Note: I certify this badge bit complete.

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Submitting for the BB dried peppermint. I trimmed back my peppermint bed and laid out the stems to dry on a clean porch table.

Bonus tip: I made a desiccant bag with some rice and a coffee filter and put it in the bottom of the jar.

I crumbled the leaves and put them into the jar with the desiccant bag. The final picture is the labeled, dried mint.
[Thumbnail for 20220701_114316.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20220701_114618.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20220702_101954.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20220702_111044.jpg]
[Thumbnail for 20220702_111527.jpg]
Staff note (gir bot) :

Nicole Alderman approved this submission.
Note: I hereby certify that this badge bit is complete!

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When we moved into this house, my mother (who lived with us) put two small potted mint plants in the herb bed. She had grown mint before and knew the dangers, but went ahead, saying, “They’re in pots! They won’t spread.” Not being one to stand in the way of such rosy, if mistaken, optimism, I said, “Sure! We like mint!”

Now the other herbs have to fight for a place in the mint bed, and I find mint cropping up in the most surprising locations around the yard. C’est la vie.

This was this year’s first harvest of one of the two types of mint. I gathered two 1.5 gallon buckets. After garbling, one bucket went into the dehydrator and one became hydrosol. I still need to do a harvest of the other type! Throughout the summer, I also toss a fair few cuttings into the barn to keep the rats away.
“Herb” bed. Who am I kidding. It’s nearly all mint.
“Herb” bed. Who am I kidding. It’s nearly all mint.
Bucket o’ mint
Bucket o’ mint
Into the dehydrator with thee!
Into the dehydrator with thee!
Four stuffed but not crushed quarts of dried mint. I love these old jars.
Four stuffed but not crushed quarts of dried mint. I love these old jars.
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Someone approved this submission.
Note: I hereby certify this badge bit complete.

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I love peppermint!   It's great in tea!

**Edited for edge approval, updated label!

Peppermint Growing
Peppermint Growing
Peppermint Harvesting
Peppermint Harvesting
Pepperment in mesh air dryer
Pepperment in mesh air dryer
Dried peppermint in labelled jar
Dried peppermint in labelled jar
Label updated for edge requirement!
Label updated for edge requirement!
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone approved this submission.

Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as an edge case BB.
BBV price: 0
Note: Please update your label to show where mint was harvested from and method of dehydrating

Staff note (gir bot) :

Joseph Lofthouse approved this submission.

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I planted three types of mint this spring into two "Hügelkultur water troughs".  They are metal water troughs that have holes in them so no longer function for their intended purpose.  So I filled them about 2/3 full of log rounds and then topped with soil.  They are doing ok, but could have used more frequent watering this summer and as a result I cannot take a large harvest yet.  Here I harvest some of the peppermint.
Harvesting the peppermint.
Harvesting the peppermint.
Into the dehydrator.
Into the dehydrator.
Into the jar.
Into the jar.
Sealed and labelled.
Sealed and labelled.
Staff note (gir bot) :

Paul Fookes approved this submission.
Note: I certify this BB complete. Well done R.

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I gathered peppermint and strawberry mint from my front garden bed, and hung in a mesh bag to dry overnight. Won't sit long enough to put in a sealed container, fresh tea.  Gathered more peppermint for storage.

Mint is growing fast now. I was able to get another small harvest already. Rinsed, removed the stems, then put the mint in a mesh bag, and hung in the shade. It was dry by morning so I transferred them to a 4oz glass jar.  These jars fit in my kitchen drawer, I can read the labels on the lids.
Growing strong
Growing strong
Snip snip, fresh mint smells so good
Snip snip, fresh mint smells so good
Mesh bag was hung in the shade to dry overnight.
Mesh bag was hung in the shade to dry overnight.
Mint in glass storage jar with label.
Mint in glass storage jar with label.
Staff note (gir bot) :

Someone flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
Note: Please re read the instructions, photos of the mint being harvested and the dried mint in a labelled jar are required for this badge bit

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Nikki Roche approved this submission.

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To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must post:
- a picture of your fresh herbs being harvested
- a picture of your herbs drying (hanging, in a dehydrator, or in a bag, etc)
- a picture of your herbs in a sealed and labelled container.
   - label shows where the herbs came from, the date and method of drying.

I harvested and dried peppermint leaves. I only needed a small amount for an experiment, but it's enough to make a cup of tea. I picked them from my garden and laid them out to air dry on a screen.
Harvesting mint leaves
Harvesting mint leaves
Air drying mint
Air drying mint
Dried mint leaves in a labeled jar
Dried mint leaves in a labeled jar
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Someone approved this submission.
Note: Congratulations

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Dried some peppermint for storage. Grown in a flower pot.
Peppermint being harvested
Peppermint being harvested
Hanging to dry
Hanging to dry
Done drying
Done drying
Packed and labeled. “Peppermint; hang dry; picked 7/16; grown in pot”
Packed and labeled. “Peppermint; hang dry; picked 7/16; grown in pot”
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Elizabeth Horsley approved this submission.

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Mint patch
Mint patch
Mint picked
Mint picked
Mint hanging with friends
Mint hanging with friends
Mint stored and labeled
Mint stored and labeled
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Approved submission
In this badge bit, you will harvest, dry and store peppermint

You need to dry enough to make a tea, infusion or decoction.

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must post:
- a picture of your fresh herbs being harvested
- a picture of your herbs drying (hanging, in a dehydrator, or in a bag, etc)
- a picture of your herbs in a sealed and labelled container.
    - label shows where the herbs came from, the date and method of drying.
[Thumbnail for peppermint_harvesting.JPG]
[Thumbnail for peppermint_air-drying.JPG]
[Thumbnail for peppermint_labelled-container.JPG]
Staff note (gir bot) :

Rebekah Harmon approved this submission.
Note: yup, yup, yup

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I got these from a client while on site for a visit! While there’s not a ton, I did harvest some seeds, so hoping they take and I can get a lot more next year.
In the dehydrator
In the dehydrator
Putting into a jar
Putting into a jar
All in there :)
All in there :)
Staff note (gir bot) :

Rebekah Harmon approved this submission.
Note: ooOoo! you have a FANCY dehydrator! I like it

My honeysuckle is blooming this year! Now to fertilize this tiny ad:
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