Jennifer Markestad

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since Mar 01, 2023
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Single mom by choice to a 20yo fledgling.We moved out of transitional housing in 2010 and bought 1.68AC at the edge of the city. My little paradise in surrounded by small lot neighborhood, a vintage trailer park, a Kia dealership/service center, and a 90AC natural park.

We have a large garden, a fruit orchard/food forest, a new rain garden, and more. So many projects.
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Tacoma WA
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Recent posts by Jennifer Markestad

I'm using the smallest setup for poop I can think of: old 5 gallon bucket with a camping seat, surrounded by greenery. Arborist chips and TP are my carbon.  When one bucket gets full, remove the lid from the empty bucket and add the seat. The full bucket gets the solid lid to be put away for a while. Haven't had to change the bucket yet.

It's fine for just me in the garden, but I'd like a more 'socially acceptable' solution to handle 10-ish guests for 2-3 days.
1 week ago
May I use sliced pig belly (bacon) into lard?

How about butter into shelf stable ghee?

or maybe some of each to total a quart?

BB Food prep, Straw, render quart of oil/fat
How about S. Tacoma?
Trailer needs rehab, tent can be aquifer, or?

4 months ago
May I use pig belly from the butcher wrapped in paper into bacon grease?
Maybe cow butter wrapped in oiled paper into ghee?
or maybe both to total a quart?
Here's my 20!



15  Create a map
16 Apple harvest
17  Seed swap
9 months ago

Brandon Charles wrote:

That said, I have come to a point where I need to start cultivating friendships with folks who are also doing what they can to avoid Covid (and thus minimize infection risk).

I'm in Tacoma and still isolating. My lungs are already weak because of asthma and COPD. My kiddo is 21yo (they) and contributes a bit, but... still have that teenager mindset of 'do it later', 'if I ignore it then it will not be my problem', etc.  They work best next to someone. We both have disabilities and strengths.

This year's big goals include an outside shower/potty, outside kitchen/canning area, accessible camping pad. I sure could use some construction help. I don't have much in the way of cash flow. I do have space to camp and a travel trailer that needs rebuilding, plus I'm pretty good at scrounging materials.

If you need a break from the solitary life, I have 1.68 acres at the edge of Tacoma, next to a 90ac park. Feels rural-ish, but only 2mi to I-5, 0.5mi to the bus, and bike distance to everything else.

9 months ago

Brian Doherty wrote:I'll be looking to earn some Skip BBs this year!
March 3rd I'm going into bootcamp for 10 weeks and have a place in Randle I'll be living/working at but I'm looking for a few other projects to help out with too.
My goal is to specialize in building structures and systems but I am looking to grow my knowledge overall so you prohave projects I'll want to help with!

I'm open for folks to come and camp/work.  This winter we added rain harvesting and an overflow rain garden. The next projects are an outdoor kitchen with running water, an outdoor shower with solar hot water, a comfortable place to poop, and redoing a trailer and teardrop camper. I also want to expand the garden.
PM ok,
9 months ago

J Lucas wrote:When the state doesn't want to help an "old" poor, autistic soul, and said person is being threatened with homelessness by their own sibling, person then emails an intentional community in the hopes they will take said person in, only to find out said individual's email was the only one ignored, apparently bc person is truly in hell, so they write up a quick webpage in the hopes someone besides the email gatekeeper sees it... or anyone who has half a heart does. So he starts posting the link all over the damn place. Currently stuck in a room, in a cookie cutter house, in a cookie cutter development, that is surrounded by oil and gas tank fields and refineries... aka hell.

I'm also an old, poor, autistic and I own my own home. I'm 54F with a 21yo NB also Autistic, and our cat. We have 1.68ac in Tacoma, about an hour south of Seattle.   PM if interested.
10 months ago

Susanna Prince wrote:Hi all, any homesteads in Northwestern Washington have any rental/exchange opportunities for an aspiring homesteader and a chill, super friendly cat? I'm looking to live in (ideally, a stand alone) tiny house/cabin/barn) on beautiful land, participate in homesteading, and generally build some community. I'm particularly interested in growing food, animal care, and learning some natural building skills, to ultimately build my own tiny house and homestead. If you know of anywhere around here, or further out, if need be, that I could plug in, I'd be grateful for any leads. I'm also open to connecting with folks looking for drop-in help with natural building and gardening projects. Cheers all!

Greetings Susanna!
I live on 1.68ac in  S.Tacoma, 2 miles from I-5, but feels rural. I'm interested in hosting someone who wants a work/live opportunity. It's just me 54yoF, my 21NB, and our cat. Lodging would be a tent to begin with. There is a travel trailer gutted and ready to rebuild. The roof leaks and part of the floor is rotted out. We have an outdoor potty, handwash, propane shower, and a propane grill with a burner.

First projects would be upgrading your housing, helping in the organic garden, clearing a walking trail and planting it with edibles, water-bath canning, etc.

PM if you are interested.
10 months ago

Beau M. Davidson wrote:I am about to send this email to the folks who have access to this thread:

Free Stupid Added Bonus Thing.  (Does it suck?  Is it awesome?  Confusing or helpful?  You decide.)
I have a slice of PIE for the first 3 commenters.  

Thanks y'all!  

Much love,

It doesn't suck!  I really like the basis of the animation, just needs a 2nd or 3rd draft.

It is hard to read your writing when it erases so fast. I can see the keyhole and dovetailed tenon working together to keep things tight. Maybe 3D solid shapes that move together. One of the drawings shows the tenon with a dovetail on it's bottom edge, is that correct? I'd also love to see how to cut the dovetail socket inside the post.
10 months ago