Rebirthing a revolution is all about reconnecting to your
roots, living simply and finding your flow. While consciously co-creating a
sustainable environment that promotes health and well being for all life in a way which works with and for you.
The intentions of this book are to meet you right where you are in life and empower you to start from there. To encourage you to challenge your beliefs and barriers that are holding you back and keeping you from finding your
freedom and build your life from there.
Mamabear says that...
My new book helps you start where you are, and step into a life in alignment with what is true for you by reconnecting you to your roots. 💚
Empowering you to break through your beliefs and barriers. Focusing on yourself and using what you got and working from there. 🙏
Did you know that permaculture practitioners don't need land? This book is about you and how you are the center of your world. As within, so without.
Yes, it's based on permaculture.. creating a permanent culture one that supports and sustains all life. All skill sets and specialisms are welcome.
This book helps you to build your mental tool box and raise your resilience naturally.
Be the change you wish to see in the world and begin with buying Rebirthing a Revolution online .. ebook and paperback available globally. 📖
Unless you are a kindle unlimited person then it's free 🆓 😉
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