Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Pearl Sutton wrote:Personally, I'd put up a curtain that pulls across behind you, and pulls back easily when you are done.
r ranson wrote:
I think for me, the plan is to turn my desk so there is a wall behind me. not sure what to put on that wall as right now it is a poorly painted wall and mismatched curtains.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
My honeysuckle is blooming this year! Now to fertilize this tiny ad:
2024 Permaculture Adventure Bundle