Little snippets of ideas have been left here and there, so I wanted to collect a good number of ideas on this.
Here are some factors that I use and have read about:
1. Good
biochar is lightweight.
2. It makes a metallic, musical tone when it hits something.
3. Dust from good char that is dry, can blow away.
4. When good char is on your hands, mere
water can wash it away. If you need
soap to clean it off, it's got tars and compounds in it other than
5. Seeds will germinate in good char. Not in tarry black mess.
6. Worms will avoid tar char. They like well-made biochar.
7. High quality biochar
should be able to absorb moisture.
8. High quality biochar will drain quickly.
9. It will be electrically conductive. Initial research is examining if that is one way that mycelium can spread so well through it.
Any others you can think of?
John S