Thanks Tony. They do love bugs now. Great entertainment for us.
Here's my update on progress with the chicks. They did all start to eat within 48 hours. I think they must have found hatching in the incubator more difficult than my previous chicks and it was longer than I expected before they started eating and drinking properly.
Some things I discovered: They could smell the food better when it was warmer. They wanted the food in really tiny pieces and liked a colour contrast between the food and the background. I put everything through the food mill first and then smeared it on cardboard or a soft plastic tub lid. They liked that.
They were intimidated by bugs at first since there was no real chicken to show them the ropes. We gave them pieces to start with and now they get it but only the largest chick will tackle a worm.
I managed with the off-grid "Mama Chicken" aka two milk jugs of
hot water wrapped in towels but it was quite hard work. The temperature was not as consistent as with my brooder plate but as long as it was very warm at night they were OK. They still have hot water jugs at night as we are having a spell of really cool weather and not all of them are feathered up yet. In fact it is so cool at the moment that they are going in the
greenhouse in the day with a heater. So much for summer..