Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
Heather Sharpe wrote:I only have experience with two roosters as well. I have two hatchery roosters, Burt and Fern, both Easter Eggers. I've heard Easter Egger roos referred to as "rainbows of anger". They were supposed to be hens, but hatcheries make mistakes. Any who, they were raised with six hens their own age from day one. Fern was always jumping on me as a chick, so he got the aggressive cuddles every time he did that. He is now a ridiculously cuddly rooster. He's mostly really good with the girls. He tidbits, he dances and he even builds them nests and protects broodies! He almost always respects "no" from the girls. I think there's just not enough hens and if we had more, he'd do better with that. Even so, it's pretty rare. Burt has all the same positive behaviors with the girls. However, he can be quite aggressive towards us and sometimes the hens if they challenge him. Fern runs away from them if they get grumpy at him. This has meant Fern gets to be with the girls and Burt is separated for now. I think he could be an excellent rooster if he had hens of his own who were a larger, more assertive breed. Ours are kind of dainty hens and he's quite large in comparison. He wasn't such a jerk when he had access to the girls, but they couldn't handle two roosters obviously.
I suppose it's possible I lucked out and got two hatchery roosters who demonstrate mostly good behavior by nature. I wonder if the fact that I did my best to act like a mother hen had anything to do with their being better behaved though. I spent a lot of time observing them as chicks and checking any bad behavior. I also handled them a lot. Burt probably got handled the least cause he didn't much like it. Sometimes I wonder if I'd given him the aggressive snuggles more if he'd be more even tempered. He can be snuggly with us, but also bites feet at times. Once I learned they were roosters, I definitely made a point of not letting them jump on the girls unless it was clear that was what the girls wanted. I also separated them in an adjacent pen so they could see, but not get to the girls if I wasn't around. That may have helped too. The girls were constantly trying to break into the boys pen and those were the times I'd let the roosters be around them. Ignoring the hen's "no" landed them right back in their separate pen. It's so hard to know what's nature and what's nurture. My experience does make me wonder if humans can help guide roosters to be good ones, in the event a proper mother hen isn't available.
I also wonder if human aggression is a result of inadvertently doing things that make the rooster feel you're trying to take his job and/or threaten his hens. I always tried to be really conscious of this and think it helped. For example, when I'd bring food out, I wouldn't call them over, because that's the rooster's job. I would make sure he saw the food and allow him to call the girls to it. I also was very careful not to do anything that upset the hens in front of him so he wouldn't perceive me as a danger to them. I also just make a point of talking to him and telling him what I'm doing. And praising him when he does good things. In fairness to Burt, the times he has bitten me were near dark when he really wanted to escort the girls to the coop and couldn't.
There is some excellent and helpful information on the following site about rooster behavior and how to interact with them: Understanding Rooster Behavior and Socialization
It really helped me to better understand my boys. Fern is just the sweetest. He treats me as part of the flock and even comforts me when I'm upset. So I don't think all hatchery roosters are bad. Even those that are, it's hardly their fault, given what they experience. Domesticated chickens as a species probably have some serious intergenerational trauma from most of them not having mothers and proper flock dynamics.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” — Abraham Lincoln
Brody Ekberg wrote:I think you’re probably on to something with the observation that taking the rooster’s duties upsets him. When I bring our flock treats I usually give them to the rooster and let him give them to the hens. I enjoy watching him do this. Our first rooster would just eat it all himself. Our current rooster doesn’t eat much for treats, hes happy to share. I bring him those big long horned beetles and he pops the guts out and then gives the whole carcass to a hen every time. I also think you’re probably correct about domesticated chickens having tons of intergenerational trauma. I dont see how they wouldn't.
I find it interesting that you see such positive results with the snuggling approach. I haven’t tried that. With our first rooster, the first time he came at me I simply reacted and kicked him. No thoughts involved, just quick reaction. I think that set the stage for rivalry. Ive committed (at least for now) with not being violent towards our current rooster although he hasn’t tempted me at all yet. I do make it a point to pick him up, talk to him, carry him around and pet him maybe once a week or so. He doesn’t particularly like it but he also doesn’t fight it much. I just want him to know that I’m not a threat but also that I’m in control.
“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” ~ Robin Wall Kimmerer
Our Destination is Our Legacy
Carla Burke wrote:That whole run have always been people-shy, but polite, and those boys are exceptionally good with the girls.
The other younger Buff seemed to have learned to mind his manners ok, but he's still not quite as gentle as the boys that were raised with the flock. I hope to be able to just let nature take its course, now, and not buy more unless some catastrophe takes a big percentage of my flock, again.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Adam Hackenberg wrote:My theory with roosters, is if they do not become comfortable around you, then they are skittish and will not attack. My first fighting cock, was awful comfortable around me, I was sleeping outside in a barn, at the time, and most days I awoke with him in my face. Another theory is it's all about body language, he maybe twice spurred me, just got to close for his comfort zone. He would attack everyone on my property that was tense, I would get in between fights, getting low to the ground, acting like I was going to hug him, getting wide, to stop the attacks, was also never tense around him. He got real bad at this, after he got into a fight with the cops, was way more aggressive afterwards. He would follow me around as I mowed the lawn, eating insects, or while I dug, eating worms. Since then, known of my cocks have been comfortable around humans, so the problem no longer exists. I personally didn't mind the attack chicken, though I'm sure some people did.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
J W Richardson wrote:I wonder along the same lines. I haven’t had an aggressive one since I went with hen raised. I wonder if it is an imprinting issue? Humans become chickens in their eyes, so are competition that needs to be challengedA.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Elena Sparks wrote:I've noticed similar things in my roosters, and I've had chickens for quite a few years. It's not completely consistent though, there are still hatchery chicks who are nice, and hen raised chicks who are mean.
It also has to do with your interactions with said rooster as they grow, and it can go as far as being person specific. I did a post "here" that goes into some of my learnings about handling roosters so they don't become aggressive, so you could check that out (it was a pretty insightful discussion, and has lots of great input from multiple people). When you were raising him, did you spend a lot of time holding and hand-feeding him specifically? Buff Orpingtons are generally super gentle (I've had them), so it kind of surprises me that your boy was so aggressive. Male animals can be a bit tricky to raise to be friendly, and a lot of it has to do with the imprinting phase. The imprinting phase is the first three days after they are born (or hatched), where the animal "imprints" on it's own species. That phase is super important for the males specifically since it impacts who they want to mate with, who they think are their own species, who they consider predators, etc. Hatchery chicks, like it's been mentioned previously, only know other chicks, basically making them orphans. After sitting in a box for a day or so, being surrounded by other traumatized chicks, they arrive, get thrown into a brooder, and see lots of large and scary faces peering at them. At that point, one of three things will happen. You over handle them, making them associate you with their species (a threat to their mating rights, and that you're part of the hierarchy of the flock, it makes it seem like it's OK to fight with you like they would their own species). Th second option is that you handle them so little that they think of you as a predator, and the finale option is that you hit the balance between the two. The first two options will likely leave you with an aggressive rooster prone to fighting you off and beating up the hens. Yet again, it still has a lot to do with each rooster specifically, but this tends to be the norm. If you hit the third option, your rooster is more likely (likely, not assuredly) to be the gentle rooster you're looking for. Another thing to pay attention to is the breed. Like I said, I was a bit surprised that your Orpington was agressive, but I've had similar things happen. Each breed tends to have different temperament tendencies, so your likelihood of having a gentle rooster is higher if you get a breed more prone to being gentle. Orpingtons, Brahmas, Easter Eggers, Bresse, Australorp, and Cochins are some of the more well known breeds. I've had really awesome roosters of all of those breeds.
Back to your initial hypothesis, I've found that roosters raised by a hen (particularly if there's an adult rooster in the flock already) tend to be more human friendly and better flock roosters. That being said, I've had my fair share of mean boys raised by hens, but the average tends towards gentler roosters. I would agree with the previous comments about it being very rooster specific though. I have two mature standard Old English roosters, and one is aggressive and the other is one of my younger brothers favorite roosters. Which is saying a lot, since they pester my poultry so much that none of my boys (ganders, drakes, or roosters) are particularly fond of them. Both of those roosters are from a hatchery. Two of my other current flock roosters were raised with my eight year old Easter Egger rooster who has earned the "stay till the day you die" badge because of how gentle he is. After they hatched, I moved the hen and her chicks into my grow out pen, which had my old rooster and a couple of recovering (one from a broken leg, one from a previous illness, etc) hens, and let them grow out with that flock. They grew out to be very nice to the hens and very respectful of me. So well there's a lot of other factors included in how the rooster treats you and the hens, I do think that there's truth to that hypothesis.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Brody Ekberg wrote:Our current pullets dont want to roost in the coop at night so i end up chasing them down with a net and tossing them in most evenings 😆
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
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Carla Burke wrote:
Brody Ekberg wrote:Our current pullets dont want to roost in the coop at night so i end up chasing them down with a net and tossing them in most evenings 😆
There's a solution I have, for this issue, when it arises. So long as my chickens are able to free range, I encourage them to do so, by not leaving food available, in the run/coop. Then, in the evening, when it's time to lock them in, I put a few small piles of food or scratch in the back, as far away from the door as possible. Once they're all pouncing and pecking at the piles, I simply shut the door. No chasing, no nets, no fuss. I do the same with the ducks, in the tractor, though I can't easily get all the way to the back. So, I use a feed pan and a stick with a hook to pull and push it: pull it to the front, fill it, push it to the back, step away, so the ducks can bum-rush the pan, then close the door behind them. Easy-peasy.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Jay Angler wrote:Over my years of experience with chickens, I would divide the issues into two groups:
Things that increase the likelihood of a rooster being a good rooster:
1. breed of chicken that's generally considered gentle
2. raised by a mother hen
3. more than 1 roo in the batch of chicks
4. generally low-stress, healthy chicken environment
Things that increase the likelihood of getting an aggressive, PITA* rooster:
1. incubator hatched, brooder raised with a large group of chicks
2. higher stress environment - not enough entertainment, not enough space to run around, not enough access points for food (chickens are groupies, so when 1 eats, they suddenly all want to eat.)
3. no access to good role models
Things that result in a clueless rooster:
1. strong human imprinting - they want to hump the humans instead of the hens!
I support both doing what you can to decrease the risk of getting a "bad" rooster, but also to consider any aggressive rooster to be dinner. "Temperament" exists in non-human animals. We see it all the time. And just like the huge argument about "nature vs nurture", it's just not that simple or straight cause/effect. I might be guilty of giving animals too many second chances, but I do have a line and if a bird crosses it too many times, all of a sudden I know that I'm done with trying, and the bird's done with living on my farm with my infrastructure. I did have one problem hen which I gave to a neighbor - his set up is very different from mine, and sure enough she fit in there much better.
*pain in the ass
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
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May Lotito wrote:I bought and raised over 25 male heritage chicks to maturity last year and they certainly had a wide spectrum of personalities regardless of breeds (mostly buff orpingtons). Roughly, those who liked to hang out near people turned out to be more aggressive. It was sad for me because one of them was my favorite chick. He got a name and loved to follow me around waiting for me to dig some bugs. He grew up with little respect for people and once chased and attacked me for hundreds of feet. The cockerels that backed off rather than pecking my fingers became calm roosters. I wouldn't say friendly, they were just indifferent to people and doing their rooster things.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
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