Hi All,
i want to plant Dandelion, asap. Goal is to use its
roots as excract for cancer treatment,
specifically small cell lung cancer(SCLC).
There are reports that something in
dandelions kills cancer cells:
Pandey’s earlier research showed how dandelion root extract caused cancer cells to kill each other while sparing normal, healthy cells.
permie gut feeling tells me that commercially available products stem from a monoculture of dandelions which probably is not as good as a wild flower.
Now what is a wild flower? Does the random dandelion on a fallow field count?
But then again the attempt to research the history of said field spells trouble.
Again permie gut feeling tells me you don't want to use dandelions from a field
that had evil agricultural practices taken its toll on it.
So i want to grow dandelions specifically for this purpose.
And i want to grow dandelions that are at least as good as those that grow randomly in the landscape.
Currently i have access to a small field in the mediterrean,
you can get a rough description of it here:
As described in the
thread, it is embedded within an area with no agricultural
activity in the last decades but for mowing and grazing of
cattle,goats and sheep.
(and of
course my small scale messing around with
earthworks, shrubs and fruit
So i assume it is "clean".
(most of the yellow stuff here is Ranunculus)
There are some dandelions there, but i am not sure if there is
as most of the stuff there clearly isn't dandelions:
There are some in disturbed areas:
Now look, i don't even know which species specifically i
should grow, and where to get the seeds from.
So any help is apreciated, but i am looking for that elder who can just say
"Get this, do that", because of
All techniques and inputs allowed.
Companion plants, irrigiation, soils, mulch, amendments, greenhouses,compaction, disturbance even a plot in a different climate, you name it, i bring it.
I know this is a serious topic, and giving advice might be legaly troublesome for some people in some countries,
but currently the alternative is internet bought extract sold as dietary supplement.
So yes, it has been diagnosed as terminal so this
may be more of a coping mechisn than an actual treatment,
but i think there is no risk to trying it, as side effects of this treatment have been reported to be negligible.
And i firmly believe that what i can grow with love and the help of this community will be more effective than
what can be bought commercially, no matter what the actual effect is.