After testing some burlap on wood using Stacy's suggestion to coat with slip, this appears to be a fantastic approach.
Using a
staple gun, I attached the burlap to a smooth scrap of 2 x 6. I mixed a "slip" with clay-sand-silt mix from the
yard. Due to my concern about adherence, I added 1 part cooked flour paste to 3 parts dry clay mix then added
enough extra
water to make a pancake-batter consistency. Using a large wallpaper paste brush, I coated the damp burlap thickly with the mix and scored the surface for texture. The test board dried for 2 days indoors (due to a snow storm). The burlap with staples is really secure but there is no sign of clay flaking at the edges: adhesion is solid.
A friend gave me a pile of burlap
coffee bags that
should cover the wood and I ordered a $35 texturizing spray gun with slip compatible hopper to attach to an air compressor to spray the entire bond beam. I expect this automation step will go fine after I find the right consistency for the slip to work with the texturizing attachment. If I learn anything more, I'll report back after the
Thank you Stacy for your help here. I am so grateful!