Jordan, great video! Thanks!
Joylynn Hardesty wrote:25 years back I gave up on the other pattern companies and stick with McCall's patterns. They are true to what they say they are. Simplicity ran smaller than it claimed too. I don’t remember why I left Butterick.
Joylynn, one thing I remember, from when I did a lot of sewing, was that the pattern companies used to have their own styles. McCall's, Simplicity, and Butterick used to carry different style ideas, so that it was a lot of fun to choose (I seem to recall liking Butterick back in the day.) Then, at some point, they all started churning out basically the same patterns. I miss that uniqueness.
So, go by my measurements, ha! Besides having changed a lot over the years, mine don't match what's listed under the size numbers anyway.