Forestry training: old dog, new tricks !?
Any pointers, leads, referrals, for this 59-year old to augment past
experience, upgrade capabilities, acquire new skills, establish further credentials, especially the next 15 months while we're on worldschooling sabbatical in NE USA/ E Canada, Chile, & Europe?
My specific interests are: GIS; drone mapping & inventory; scenario modeling & analyses; hardwoods regeneration; coppice & agro-forestry; custom portable milling; smallholder economics.
I am engaging proactively with the approach of likely tighter requirements to remain family forester on our own lands (212ac, 87ha), which I have been for over 20 years in our temperate forest, including through 15 years/ two forest management planning cycles/ 50 acres of hands-on heavy thinning, & advisory role for a community forest participant, under a state forest tax relief program.
I have additional experience in drylands forests with post-fire replanting, fighting fire, forest stewardship & watershed restoration planning, pre-fire preparation, fuelwood harvesting, restoration pruning, urban/ orchard/ nursery
trees, consulting for landowners, etc.
Although our forest state actually has no legal definition or standards for a forester, this timber management for tax relief program is trying to tighten their own requirements, presumably for the 27 consulting foresters across 1000 propertiesto push out the two family foresters.
Any insights & connections would be much appreciated.