I encourage you to pursue by all means despite apparent obstacles. I'm a non-professional family forester seasonally working >208ac family lands in southern Catskills NY. On the basis of previous forest, fire, tree, nursery work I was accepted as our management forester for a state tax relief program. Now they're tightening requirements though I'm aiming to stay in charge of our own planning & operations, helping with community forestry, expanding our forestry, by continually upgrading my skills in GIS, drone inventory, hardwoods regeneration, climate contingency stocking, agro-forestry. You'll find inventory doable with an angle gauge, diameter tape, helper, & perhaps tree ID reference. Stand analyses, delineations, prescriptions differ a bit among forest types, forester approaches, management objectives. With a narrative & treatments/ harvest schedule & specifications that's a plan. Here's a reading list I just put together for a friend:
McEvoy, T (2005) Owning & Managing Forests, A Guide to Legal, Financial, and Practical Matters
Jacke, D, Toensmeier, E (2005) Edible Forest Gardens, Ecological Design & Practice for Temperate-Climate
Permaculture, Vols I & II
Mudge, K, Gabriel, S (2014) Farming the Woods, An Integrated
Permaculture Approach to Growing Food & Medicinals in Temperate Forests
Krawczyk, M (2022) Coppice Agroforestry, Tending Trees for Product,
Profit, & Woddland Ecology
There are other practical publications available from USFS, state forestry departments, university & research programs. Hope that's useful for you.