Thanks Tereza!
I try to watch for volunteers and find them as exciting as anything I've's good to know tomatillos are that prolific.
I've added a picture of the still surprised I didn't notice it until very recently but then I've been distracted by my pet spider that is right there within a foot of the nightshade.
The hose from the faucet goes to our washing mch on the back porch (which is strung with clothesline) and the black tub is where the kitchen water goes (photo from open window)...sometimes filling twice a day.
I've called it my shade garden because it's somewhat protected from afternoon heat but really it still gets a lot of sun.
To the right are tubs of moringa and dahlias and thyme and on the left with the nightshade on the edge are hazelnuts, elderflowers, coralbells, a hosta, feverfew, orris
root iris, daylilies and other iris, blue salvia, bugle weed and some
rose cuttings...a blueberry...and a lemon balm...getting crowded.
I tried to circle the tomatillo and the spider egg case but couldn't get it too work. Got it!
Tomatillo circled on the right, spider egg case on the left.