Annual emptying of the toilet chamber into the outside bin. Two alternating chambers means this stuff was standing unused for a year before emptying. Link to an old photo showing my toilet chambers, before we built the stone bins outside
The cover material was sawdust mixed with
coffee grounds and crumbled leaves. Pure sawdust that I'd used in previous years came through the 2-year process unscathed, so now I try to mix it with coffee grounds and/or leaves and
water the mix to pre-compost before use. (In composting toilet parlance, "cover material" is what you drop down after use).
Last November I dumped some sacks of dry leaves on top before closing the chamber off. This climate is very dry, so every month or two I splashed a couple of buckets of water down, but when I went to empty it this week, the top and all those leaves were still totally dry. So dry leaves, paper and eggshells from the top of the toilet chamber went into the bottom of this bin, under the better
compost that was deeper in the chamber.
Then we poured about 10 buckets of water over this and covered it with old
greenhouse plastic (UV resistant) to compost a bit more over over the winter. In spring I'll move it to the garden. There was not a single recognizable desiccated turd or anything, and this turning and further composting process makes it safe to use in the vegetable garden (in my opinion, based on The
Humanure Handbook). It'll have been about 18 months since it was last contributed to in the toilet, and that
should be plenty long
enough for pathogens.
A big benefit over the cow dung I was bringing in earlier at my new location: no weed seeds in this.
If you are dubious about humanure in the vegetable garden, please read The Humanure Handbook.