Hello Everyone
I am
WWOOFing on a farm.
Chickens are one of my responsibilities. About 3 months ago we got a new flock from another farm, a rooster and 8 hens. Over the last month the rooster has begun expressing alarm for no reason. I observe this when I come into the run to give them black soldier fly larvae. I set the larvae on the ground and leave the run. The
chickens gather and start to peck, then the rooster flaps his wings wildly and makes a call of alarm that sends the hens running in all directions. After a few weeks of him doing this every time I bring the treats, half of the hens don't even come to eat the larvae. I am confused by this rooster's behavior and wondering if anyone has ideas as to why he is acting this way? Also, what can be done to encourage the hens who are now not coming to eat the treats to come eat treats?
I will also mention that he does not seem to do this to have all of the larvae for himself. After he does this expression of alarm, once he sees there is nothing to be alarmed about, he starts calling the hens over indicating there is food. The rooster waits for the hens to start eating before he has any larvae.
Thank you,