Timothy Norton wrote:In my experience, I had some over-breeding issues when I had ten hens to one rooster. My rooster was a rather large australorp so take that into consideration.
What kind of birds are you thinking of having? I only have egg layers personally but would love to figure out a flock of meat birds in the future.
. I just want to be able to have some eggs,
sell a few, and hatch our own replacement chicks. But maybe I don’t need the rooster and can just get hatching eggs from neighbors. We currently have 2 silkies, 6 buff Orpington, 2 Wyandottes, 2 barred rocks, three mixed breed home hatched girls and one mixed home hatched boy. We will be giving a few away. I’m not up for doing meat birds right Norelius. I really wanted to breed my own
landrace dual purpose
chickens, but health issues are not going to allow me to do that much work.