Central Taiwan. Pan-tropical Growing zone 10A?
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Zach Muller wrote:I am with Myron on this. I too am in an urban setting so A majority of kitchen scraps go into a worm bin indoors where it is processed into fertilizer. My outdoor compost "pile" gets a few scraps here and there, but is mainly used as a centralized place to throw things out for the chooks to scratch through so worms would be a no go.
One thing I did find out when I had an outdoor worm bin was that BSFL will show up if you keep the lid off, in this case they out competed the worms. They eat much more quickly than worms. Next season, food scraps permitting, I hope to have a BSFL bin overflowing into the chicken tractors outside and a worm bin inside doing its thing.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Zach Muller wrote:One thing I did find out when I had an outdoor worm bin was that BSFL will show up if you keep the lid off, in this case they out competed the worms. They eat much more quickly than worms. Next season, food scraps permitting, I hope to have a BSFL bin overflowing into the chicken tractors outside and a worm bin inside doing its thing.
Michael Cox wrote:
If you have chickens and are in a region that supports BSF why would you also have an indoor worm bin? Surely the best use of food scraps is to return them to the chickens as feed (either directly or via BSF) so they can feed you eggs in return. What value do you see in a second competing system (one which appears at first glance to have less useful products?)
Zach Muller wrote:
Myron what is your climate? I am curious if that might be why the worms can survive with BSFL without getting overtaken.For this particular bin on my porch, the worms slowed down in the heat and the BSFL started kicking in. By the end of the summer there was hardly a worm left in there.
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