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What is a Mother Tree ?
Burra Maluca wrote:For some reason those photos resonate deeply with me - I think they remind me of some of my favourite childhood haunts back in Wales.
Here are a few ideas that spring to mind, mostly wild ones because that's the way I tend to think.
Small (welsh?) daffodils
snakes head fritillary
wild garlic
sweet cicely
I also love some of the willows, if you have room for them.
Many woodland flowers are bulbs, which can use their stored energy to grow quickly in the spring before the canopy of leaves creates too much shade.
This page has a few tips -
And a favourite quote...
I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
with sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.
Not a perfect forum. Interesting certainly. But the lack of UK participation makes it pretty much moot. You be better off at for UK based advice.This is my first post on what looks like the perfect forum!
Ga Shaw wrote:I am in Wales!!! How did you know?
I've been looking at a few of those:
Snowdrops - I think are too late. I think I have to buy ones that have already flowered if I want them for this year, but they aren't cheap. I'll have a scout around.
Small (welsh?) daffodils - The same with Daffodils. I think it's a bit late to plant bulbs. I have some which are just flowering in my garden, but I've read that you shouldn't transplant them until the flowers are gone. Plus they need full sun apparently?
Ferns - There are plenty of ferns around the place already, but they really tall ones and don't look very nice. Any nice ones you could recommend?
Bluebells - I'd love a carpet of bluebells! Not sure much about them. Could I plant the bulbs now, or is it too late?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
The real world is bizarre enough for me...Blue Oyster Cult