Hi, Daniel,
My grandson does not have a scythe (yet), but I'm willing to invest in one for him if I can find someone who will help him learn to use it.
I'm thinking of
https://scythesupply.com/outfits.html unless I hear from someone else that they are not good to deail with. I don't know what the lead time is.
I have seen some snaths that have adjustable handles on Amazon, but I don't know enough to know whether that's a good idea or not. (It's attractive to me because my grandson is 14, so still growing.)
I hadn't heard of scytheconnection before, but I'll have to check it out.
Blanco is certainly do-able. Are you close to the state park? (I'm thinking maybe my grandson and I could camp there for a weekend.)
Do you have any odd jobs around your place that he might be able to help with? (In my fantasy, I would really like him to work in exchange for lessons.)
If this sounds like it might work to you. please PM me and we can discuss it in greater detail.
Thanks so much.
Daniel Brunner wrote:Hey ej
Does your grandson already have a scythe?
Have you or your grandson checked out scytheconnection and fully read what Peter Vido has put up about scything?
I live in Blanco and I've only started using scythe last November so I'm far from an expert. I would however enjoy helping other people interested learn to use one as best I can.
I find it fun to use and it does not have to be all that physically demanding to use.