John F Dean wrote:Hi Deedles,
You may want to consider a more gradual approach.
Hey ya'll! Totally agree with John here. Earlier this week someone called to tell us a rooster was roaming around on our vacant lot in NJ and just the day before this we were telling someone we were in the market for a rooster...the big man upstairs must have gotten word, pretty neat. We have 9 hens, 9mos old (a bear took out our previous flock). So anyway, my husband and I and the neighbor next door tried catching this young fellow. It was quite the scene. The guys had lacrosse goalie sticks and I a blanket! Finally tired him out, luckily just before we were ready to call it the quits. Brought him home and kept him in a separate area of the run for the past 5 days. He was malnourished and very stressed out. The first day paced frantically back and forth, trying to find a way out - those beautiful ladies were driving him crazy, they still do.
The second day he confirmed his manhood by giving us a few crows at dawn, still paced. I started singing when putting him up to roost that night and he loved it. He has turned out to be a very gentle little guy, looks like a calico cat. The third day, increase in crows at dawn and actually interested in what was on the ground, saw he was eating feathers so fed him some tuna and corn to increase protein levels in his diet. He has become more alert and calm. Amazing transformation. We are debating on whether to give it another week or add him into the flock at dusk one of these nights. Definitely agree with a gradual entry though-it may make for a happier Roo too. King Louie is getting familiar with his environment, he watches intently when we love up the hens, we pick him up too and spend time working around the coop, hopefully all of this will help him to gain trust and become the perfect MAN for these little ladies! hahaa Will update once we integrate him in. Also, could be a coincidence but since he has come around we are consistently getting 9 eggs a day! Couple of questions though - with no rooster experience:
1. Any idea on what breed this is? We were thinking possibly Americauna mix?
2. Hens are purebred Rhodies, Orps, Blue Cuckoo Marans, Plymouth Rock - your thoughts on breeding them with the King? We will breed orps/marans for meat and
sell chicks.
3. King Louie is a little smaller than the hens - guessing he's about 6mos old so may not be full grown - but do you think this could be a problem?
4. Anyone any wisdom for a first timer raising chicks? The hens know everything about it - we know nothing.
Jules on Golden Heart Ridge