I've discovered an extremely cheap method of obtaining temporary power which is totally mobile. There are many mobility scooters used by the elderly and disabled people which enter the used market at very low prices. I've seen them as cheap as $100. They often
sell for less than the value of their batteries.
24 V scooters are the most common which happens to be the same voltage as my cordless skill saw, reciprocating saw, drill and light. The best scooters for Homestead use are those which are being sold because they are too big to get around in grocery stores and other tight places. Many of these cumbersome models have good-sized wheels and are well-suited to outdoor use. I stopped in to a dealer with my cordless tools and the salesman had everything needed to power these tools directly from the big batteries on the scooter.
Some of these units come complete with baskets which could become toolboxes. I drove a unit which moved along at a good jogging speed and it had a rack the size of a laundry basket. Convenient carrying racks are available so the scooters can be transported by car which means that you could charge up the scooter and show up at your building site with plenty of power for several days of cutting and drilling.
I have considered a
golf cart for my property but it would be vulnerable when I'm not there and would not be able to drive down every garden path. With the more maneuverable old guy scooter I would be able to get electrical power to every corner of my long, skinny and difficult to service property.
This unit would be most useful while I'm building but even when the house is complete it could be constantly plugged in and would simply add to my available battery bank.
I'm in my 40 and perfectly healthy but I still look forward to riding my scooter everywhere and only walking if I absolutely must
. Whenever I'm invited to go to the gym or for other exercise I flatly state that I'm not fond of unpaid exercise
If I get lots of exercise I want to be able to look at what I've built or the big pile I've loaded on my truck as evidence of my efforts.
I've had really bad luck with gas powered generators: theft, break down, starting problems... When I look at the actual amount of time spent cutting or drilling I'm willing to accomplish those tasks a little slower if I can avoid the noise and stench of a generator.
Does anyone have another source of cheap mobile power or a supply of deep cycle batteries going cheap?