What’s the Introductions section doing buried at the bottom of the site? I just found it. 😸
I live in the Illiana area (Illinois-Indiana border area). I am at the young end of the Boomer generation and have been living the homesteading life since my 20’s, although not in the same place. We bought this mini-farm 5-1/2 years ago. It came with a small house and some outbuildings. Since then we’ve fenced and cross-fenced for our critters, planted a wide variety of fruits, habitat,
trees, vines, shrubs, built raised beds, etc. We’ve done a lot, but there’s so much more to do!!!
Over the years I’ve raised
bees, sheep, goats,
chickens, ducks and horses. Right now it’s just
chickens and horses, but I have plans for goats again — we need to adjust our infrastructure for goats - our perimeter fencing is insufficient in the original stretches that were here when we bought the place. But having had escape artists in the past, I want to be ready for them this time. 😸
We also have German Shepherds and 2 rescue cats.