We started baking out of boredom.Both of us unemployed and into cooking made it happen.We stood at the threshold of the House of Floss and Stan Dworkin,at their book on bread anyway.Do you remember them on N.B.C.? My wife Jennie became the bread expert! I just started us off with a Jewish braided Challah with raisins.And we were off! It especially made blessed French toast! Then Jennie tried batter breads.You always are at wonder with bread at it's rising from dough and in the
oven! Next it was Brioche and what a hit they were!Our friends couldn't get
enough! On to pies and crust secrets like lard makes the best crust.Yummy
apple mix and white peach pie.Next Jennie weekly made our loathes and we'd freeze extra;but I must say our most useful and best
experience was with Bagels on Hecker's recipe ( it can be found
online) using eggs and honey.We'd slice them after and plastic bag the slices back to front and then toast them.The amazing boiling of them was such fun! Next I made our own fruitcake recipe for a
local fundraiser. So good! We made them at a loss except to the charity we helped. The last memory that stands out is the surprise chocolate cake I made for my wife's birthday.It had Peanut Chew encrusting on the chocolate frosting which made me realize what that wooden funny hammer in the drawer was for tacking or rather rapping on the nuts to frostings! What's your baking all about?