Jordan Rob wrote:Also anyone have any luck with those high priced Alkaline waters on the market? make your water more alkaline:
Baking soda: Researcher and author Dr. Robert O. Young has stressed the importance of pH balance for over two decades, and has considered ways to increase the alkaline levels in the diet by adding an alkaline ingredient to your purified water. Dr. Young recommends simply adding ½ a teaspoon of baking soda to a gallon of purified water and shaking it vigorously to ensure it mixes in completely. Because baking soda is highly alkaline, adding only a small amount to your purified water will result in a gallon of alkaline water.
...unfortunately, you began feeling worse once you start. It is actually very common to experience “die off” symptoms when doing a bacterial or yeast cleanse, or even during a course of antibiotics. This is known as the Herxheimer Reaction, where symptoms get worse before they get better. This is due to the endotoxins released by microbes when they die off...
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:While I don't know if it would help ... I would try a tablespoon of real apple cider vinegar, the kind with the mother, in a glass of water first thing in the morning.
Also here is an article on 3 Ways to Make Alkaline water:
Joylynn Hardesty wrote:Welcome to Permies Jordan!
I can't address all your questions, but maybe this will be of help.
Jordan Rob wrote:Also anyone have any luck with those high priced Alkaline waters on the market?
I am supposed to be using Alkaline water too. I feel better when I do, it's just easier to turn on the tap and go. There is a much cheaper way to achieve alkaline water: baking soda. (Disclaimer: I have not researched sites I quoted, so I don't know if their other articles are accurate.) This site suggests a couple other methods to change alkalinity, but I have experience with this one. make your water more alkaline:
Baking soda: Researcher and author Dr. Robert O. Young has stressed the importance of pH balance for over two decades, and has considered ways to increase the alkaline levels in the diet by adding an alkaline ingredient to your purified water. Dr. Young recommends simply adding ½ a teaspoon of baking soda to a gallon of purified water and shaking it vigorously to ensure it mixes in completely. Because baking soda is highly alkaline, adding only a small amount to your purified water will result in a gallon of alkaline water.
I like Kangen Water, it tastes good. The baking soda water doesn't taste bad exactly, but is unique. When I do things right, I include the baking soda in our ice teas.
As alkaline water does its work, some nasties, yeast in your case, will be dying off. Yeast does not like to die. As with all life, it wants to live. It will try to make you stop. Below is an explanation that relates to candida.
...unfortunately, you began feeling worse once you start. It is actually very common to experience “die off” symptoms when doing a bacterial or yeast cleanse, or even during a course of antibiotics. This is known as the Herxheimer Reaction, where symptoms get worse before they get better. This is due to the endotoxins released by microbes when they die off...
This phenomena may be why you do not feel better yet after starting your medication.
Oh, and if you are on city water, you may want to set your water out on the counter, to off-gas some of that chlorine in it. This site explains why chlorine can bad. They recommend a whole house filtering system. That would be good, but expensive! I've read that you can put out a gallon, uncovered, overnight to off-gas it. Do your own research to be sure, I'm on well water.
Growing on my small acre in SW USA; Fruit/Nut trees w/ annuals, Chickens, lamb, pigs; rabbits and in-laws onto property soon.
Long term goal - chairmaker, luthier, and stay-at-home farm dad. Check out my music!
Dustin Rhodes wrote:I know nothing of this topic, but ACV and coffee are both pretty acidic, so if you're supposed to be drinking alkaline water, these drinks are probably not helping you to get the full benefit from the water.
Dustin Rhodes wrote:I know nothing of this topic, but ACV and coffee are both pretty acidic, so if you're supposed to be drinking alkaline water, these drinks are probably not helping you to get the full benefit from the water.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a scientifically proven antifungal. Laboratory shows that it can inhibit the growth of candida cultivating in a petri dish.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Standing on the shoulders of giants. Giants with dirt under their nails
stephen lowe wrote:A few things you might consider:
Avoid all sugar for as long as you can. Including simple carbohydrates like white flour products and beer.
Intermittent fasting (14+ hours without any food every day) is supposed to help your bodies natural digestive balance restore.
Consume inulin, this is considered a 'pre-biotic' fiber that feeds healthy gut biology. You can find all kind of lists of foods high in it but it tends to be in roots, especially raw. One way that I have enjoyed it is making oatmeal that includes a fair bit of slippery elm bark. Also raw carrots are supposed to be a good source and easy to snack on.
You could try a guy cleanse, I've had good success with Humaworm (it might be borderline debilitating if your parasite load is high) but I'm sure there's others out there as well.
The best probiotics that I've tried have been from a company called organic 3. I currently take their 'primal gut' as often as I can remember and definitely notice improved digestion when I remember to take it daily. Also notice some digestive distress the first day or two that I return to it after not taking it for a while, many people claim this is the result of detrimental gut biota (like candida) dying off.
Bone broth and fermented vegetables and kefir are all also good ways of providing support for your digestion.
Best of luck to you
J Davis wrote:Bread and sugar are going to keep it alive. And yes, store bought spices will have sugar too.
My suggestion is two give yourself two weeks on a strict sugar free diet. Throw calorie counting and budget out the window for a bit. Buy organic grass fed eggs. Buy some grass fed butter and feel free to eat it by the spoonful when you are hungry. Add the best probiotic you can find, blister pack packaging not glass or plastic.
I hear your desperation, and it sounds like you are ready to be free. Educating yourself on food like substances will help you stay the course. Watch documentaries like magic pill, food Inc, for motivation.
Get excited, youre about to get your life back!
Tj Jefferson wrote:I'm not an infectious disease doctor, but this sounds like an immune issue rather than a chemistry issue. Candida is everywhere. I don't buy into alkaline water for reasons I won't go into. Lets just say the amount of base required to change your entire body pH would kill you with sodium, and be buffered by acids.
I would concentrate on immune function. Get zinc and Vit D checked. Vitamin D is misnamed, its a fat compound and basically a hormone/signal not an enzyme or catalyst. Zinc is the basis of cellular immunity (this is based on my Biochemistry from 20 years ago so feel free to check my math). There is a whole family of proteins (nerd out here) used in DNA and RNA transciption. This is critical for high turnover cells like the pink cells lining your inaards and immune cells. Those are easy fixes.
Then concentrate on the diet that fits your genetics. There are some testing companies that are advertising this, but I am not sure the science is very good yet. I would trust your sensation. Brain fog? Don't eat that. Bloating/gas? Not a normal thing, we aren't ruminants. Listen to your body.
I'm a paleo-ish diet person, and it is NOT low carb necessarily. If messed up sugar metabolism is an issue, I don't think sweet potato is a fix. That said regular potato gives me sleepyness, which maybe is from the beladonna- type stuff in them. Not sure. So I grow other stuff. Corn and rice I feel fine. But that is me- you have to do your own sleuthing. Cabbage gives me gas,unless fermented. So I ferment stuff and feel awesome! Milk lights me up but kefir is a great, no gas at all. Keep a list, simplify your recipes/diet to figure it out. I do restriction then reinitiation- no symptoms off some food then back to symptoms means its not for me.
A piece of land is worth as much as the person farming it.
-Le Livre du Colon, 1902
Timothy Markus wrote:I don't know anything about Candida Albicans, just FYI. I do know that yeast can handle acidic environments much better than bacteria can. If you want to kill off a lot of the bacteria in your yeast slurry for brewing, you acid wash the yeast. This means creating an environment around pH5 by adding acid. The bacteria can't handle it and die off while the yeast does fine.
So, if the bacteria that generally keep Candida manageable aren't present in large enough quantities, you need to give them an environment that favours them. ACV will obviously make your stomach more acidic but it probably doesn't do much harm when diluted and it does introduce bacteria that are better adapted to acidic environs. I've read that sugars and starches make your stomach more acidic and I've experienced this. If you want to reduce the pH, I think the best way is through diet and allowing the change to occur naturally. I don't have any experience with alkaline water, but I've heard of it and, if increasing pH is your goal, I could see it helping.
If it was me, I'd fast until I reached ketosis, about 4-5 days for me, and also drink baking soda in water. I'd then stay on a keto diet for at least 2-4 weeks.
Best of luck.
Timothy Markus wrote:I don't know anything about Candida Albicans, just FYI. I do know that yeast can handle acidic environments much better than bacteria can. If you want to kill off a lot of the bacteria in your yeast slurry for brewing, you acid wash the yeast. This means creating an environment around pH5 by adding acid. The bacteria can't handle it and die off while the yeast does fine.
So, if the bacteria that generally keep Candida manageable aren't present in large enough quantities, you need to give them an environment that favours them. ACV will obviously make your stomach more acidic but it probably doesn't do much harm when diluted and it does introduce bacteria that are better adapted to acidic environs. I've read that sugars and starches make your stomach more acidic and I've experienced this. If you want to reduce the pH, I think the best way is through diet and allowing the change to occur naturally. I don't have any experience with alkaline water, but I've heard of it and, if increasing pH is your goal, I could see it helping.
If it was me, I'd fast until I reached ketosis, about 4-5 days for me, and also drink baking soda in water. I'd then stay on a keto diet for at least 2-4 weeks.
Best of luck.
"The most important step in the candida overgrowth treatment is to find what causes the excess candida overgrowth in your body. Candida overgrowth can be caused by different reasons, each may require a completely different treatment."
In many cases, the treatment you get only covers the symptoms (skin, genitals, etc), hence the likelihood of recurrent yeast infections.
A “healing crisis” is something that happens when the body starts a detoxification process which is really a program of natural healing. This is a common occurrence among some individuals who start consuming cultured foods. When you start consuming cultured foods, your body is flooded with good bacteria. Then there is a dying off of certain pathogenic organisms in the body. These organisms can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other harmful pathogens. The medical term for a healing crisis is the “Herxheimer Reaction.” The cells release toxins into circulation and the body is not able to eliminate them quickly enough. Besides containing massive amounts of beneficial bacteria, cultured foods also contain many active enzymes, which act as extremely potent detoxifiers. There are huge amounts of good bacteria in cultured foods and it is like sending an army to clean house inside of you. This is such a good thing, although it can be uncomfortable and a bit scary if you don’t understand what is happening.
rubbery bacon. rubbery tiny ad:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)