The Northeast
Permaculture Convergence has
deep roots in our region as a place where
permaculture practitioners (and our friends from Transition groups, herbalists, primitive skills/earth awareness circles, food systems advocates, and other affinity groups) come together to build capacity, gain new skills, celebrate, and knit together our amazing regional
permaculture network further.
The last convergence was held in 2014 in Unity, Maine and the PAN board is thinking the time is RIPE to plan for a 2020 event. This event takes a community to prepare for it, requiring many hands and hearts coming together in cooperation. Whether your passion is around organizing and planning for
local, organically grown meals, live music, vendors, speakers, infrastructure,
art, kids activities, marketing, etc. we need it all!
JOIN US for our first planning weekend in New Hampshire that will lay the groundwork for the following year in anticipation of a summery 2020 convergence! If you’re enthusiastic, hard working, reliable, and committed to making this an amazing event, we encourage you to fill out an application form!
Learn more here:
Facebook event here: