Schools are trying to be unpersonal so that all kids receive a sort of neutral, insipid, facts based view of the world, but actually from a very cultural and biased point of view.
I had an history teacher though, who was telling us the lesson as if she had been part of it! i did not like history but the stories yes. Unfortunately, with this teacher I also discovered that teachers could tell false facts, which
led me astray from studies.... Yep, she made stories about inuit as she had visited them, but she made the story from books, or else she would have known that igloos were not made with blocks of ice!!! (and I
should have known, but did not, that it is not the best idea to lift the hand and tell the truth to a teacher in front of the class!)
Also, when the writter explains it personally and with passion, we know that the person really knows her stuff. It has been lived and experienced.