kind of cool, but what concerns me is the use of tax dollars and government involvement as a whole,
permaculture is a smart, hell genius idea, and theres nothing wrong with a community access food forest and such, the problem lies in govt involvement
it simply is not the governments job to get involved in this sorta thing, the only place for them to get money is from tax dollars, which means to have the government involved in this is to have thievery involved, you are encouraging money to be taken from your neighbors and put towards this cause, whether they want it there or not the money is taken involuntarily, so as nice as this is just keep in mind that through allowing government involvement you are advocating redistribution of wealth and a degredation of what is left of our free society
i am not trying to bash the fact that it is happening, community gardens are a great idea, and if there are tax dollars then the cheapest alternative to
gardening should certainly be employed.
admittedly i dont know everything about it but i do want to point out that there is more to look at than just a food forest because this is not nessacary to the survival or safety of the populace it is indeed legalized theivery from the community, what stolen money is used for is irrelevant to the fact that it was stolen
again i am not trying to start any huge debates or call anyone on here a thief, i am just pointing out some of what is going on with this food forest and as permaculturist's we shouldn't be so subceptable to "not seeing the forest for the trees" so to speak and be more able to observe the details and intircate things that contribute to a larger picture