Hello everyone,
As much as I love snow, my neck of the woods doesn’t get much. Instead we get rain, as in copious amounts of 35F rain. Cold, wet weather dominates this time of year.
So in this
thread Here:
I am collecting a bunch of
wood to turn into chips in order to top off my woodchip garden beds. The wine caps in them are really gobbling up the older chips so they need additional chips. I am also trying to expand one bed. I have collected a bunch of brushy debris and I was planning to get it all chipped up be February 1. This obviously didn’t happen and likely won’t for some time.
In the past, chipping was exhausting as I had little piles all over the property. This time, we brought all the brush to a central location near the beds so we could chip right into them.
Unfortunately, the exact place we want to place the chipper is in a low spot and has a constant flow of
water rolling over it from our
pond discharge. Every time the weather just starts to dry a little bit, the clouds open up and rain pours into the
pond and flows out exactly where I want to place the chipper.
We keep adding new material to the pile of brush and I bet it is double the volume it was when we started. This is great in that we will get a whole lot of chips. But I was hoping to have this chipped up by now.
So anyone else out there have a weather stalled