I've been keeping guinea pigs in a mobile
tractor outside going on 5 seasons, and I wanted to share experiences to interested permies and how I'm keeping these little critters outside all year in zone 7a. This herd started when living in an HOA community, as the organization made me get rid of my
chickens that I kept in the tractor. I made a second tractor for the boars after getting my first batch of guinea pigs. They couldn't make me get rid of my 'pet' guinea pigs. My herd has several guinea pigs from the first litter, and the last one from my first batch has passed recently. I've had some ups and downs on how to care, as much of the inter-webs have information on how to keep guinea pigs as a pet, and certainly not outside all year. This
thread should should help someone else start up a similar mobile guinea pig tractor with less of the learning curve I've had.
At first I thought my primary use for the critters were for meat, but that became a secondary use after seeing low little meat comes off of one, definitely need to source a Peruvian variety if this is your primary purpose, they are bred twice the size of guinea pigs commonly found around the US. You can find them, however, you need to search. My primary use for these critters are for creating garden
compost, kitchen vegetable/fruit scraps, for cutting the
lawn, and manuring the lawn. The tractor is just high
enough for a typical lawn mowing, and in the summer, that is particularly all they eat aside from a vitamin c source, which was usually scrap item(s) from the kitchen like oranges, lemons, pineapple, peppers. They can go a week without an issue, but more than two weeks without a vitamin c might allow sickness, potentially a guinea pig scurvy. Two weeks has been my maximum, and don't try to wait that long. The grass has enough
water content that they don't drink much water directly, as long as the tractor doesn't have much direct sunlight. Guinea pigs will eat just about any vegetation, and I'll supplement with what I have available. The only things I haven't seen them eat are certain vining species. I want to experiment with poison ivy - but haven't had the chance yet.
The picture I uploaded is of my herd free-ranging, and I did that often in my initial 1-2 seasons. In the first season the tractor was directly on the ground, this made free-ranging easy. But they would eat the grass bare where the tractor sat, and overgraze similar to other pasture raised scenarios. I raised the tractor to stop overgrazing. This made it great as a lawn mower. Because my tractor is slightly above the ground, they will hide underneath, and getting them out from underneath is a big hassle. I stopped free ranging for now. They are just fine in the tractors together. When there's plenty of grass, I can't move the tractors often enough it seems. About 4 times a day or every 2-3 hours is about the maximum they could be moved before seeing some patches of grass untouched. They are like little cows for the urban/suburban lawns, when my guinea pigs birthed early from summer heat, so did cows on the farm I was working at. There is slight resemblance in the grazing nature of the animals.
Once my raised beds are up, they will free range in the aisles for lawn mowing so I don't have to source
wood chips. Also in the collage are pups, my sows eating kitchen snacks, and finally one cooked up on a dinner plate with a common sun-fish cooked next to it. I'd say the pigs give enough meat comparable to about 3
chicken wings. I stopped feeding pellets like the pellet feeder after season 2, and went to timothy bales that people usually buy for horses. This bale will last me about a month depending on the season. That's the only input for
feed. It also serves as bedding if the guinea pigs don't eat all of it. When I take the bedding out to put into compost pile I will put a little bit of
hay to get the bedding started and keep them from being in their manure, they will hang in their coop no matter how much manure there is, and will soil the coop readily.
I will share additional updates on specific care and lessons learned through-out the years. If you have questions and how to start an operation of your own, I will be happy to share my