James Landreth wrote:What age do you butcher at? It seems different than mallard types
Ahhh... when the weather's right... when I have time... when the males are getting big
enough they might start fighting... when I have help???
There are times when they have 'starter feathers' growing in which makes them much harder to pluck, so the goal is to avoid that time. However, I've got different coloured Muscovy and they develop slightly differently, so two "brothers" born at the same time, may not be at the same "feather point" at the same time. Also Muscovy seem to *always* be growing new feathers somewhere, unlike
chickens who seem to molt and get it over with. We can only process for our own use, so you learn to accept a less than perfect looking bird.
Muscovy and Noisy ducks have waaayyyy more feathers than meat
chickens do, so the Muscovy males who are larger I take the time to pluck, but the females I just pluck the centerline, split the skin and harvest the breasts and leg/thigh combos and
compost the rest figuring that they
feed the soil. The breast can be ground for all sorts of nice things like spaghetti sauce and sometimes I brine the leg/thighs to make a "corned beef" equivalent, or I've got a nice recipe called "Maui'i Duck" using pineapple juice and slow cooking which makes the otherwise quite chewy legs melt in your mouth. These ducks are *real* meat - a small quantity is satisfying because they get exercise and eat grass.