Well geeze Anne, now that you've invoked Google Scholar my
answer feels about as lightweight as it actually is! That's a good reminder...
So nothing scholarly here, just observation. We've had a bunch of scotch broom in one pasture and along edges of others. We've just been mowing & pulling the stuff and am winning the war as scotch broom hasn't overcome the power of the brush mower. Even where the broom was really thick, it had lots of grass underneath. After mowing (and pulling...) there is no noticeable decline in the grass in that area. Conclusion - nothing strong going on.
Thus, my observation suggests that although the scotch broom might have an unpleasant substance it hasn't been
enough to bother other plants. If you concentrate it all into compost ... well, yeah you might have a problem. But its probably a problem of concentration, not presence, so spread thinly or otherwise dilute the amount of broom in your piles.