There is a thing called a "radial-flow filter", used in aquaponics, to filter out fish waste solids. I'm not sure if it can work in a pressurized system or not, but it could be a good first-stage before any other method of settling in a tank(s). It is quite simple to construct and you could find out how with a search for "radial-flow filter", and "aquaponics". It is a barrel with 3 pipes entering, a drain at the bottom (normally closed) to flush away the captured solids, an exit pipe near the top for "clean" water, and a input pipe which often enters partway up the side, and once inside it bends upwards in the center of the barrel. The input pipe is covered by an upside-down
bucket (or wide pipe with a cap). As water enters, it makes a sharp turn at the top of the inlet to travel DOWN inside the upside-down bucket, then to exit the barrel, water makes another sharp turn UP around the rim of the bucket. The solids are carried downward by momentum towards the bottom of the barrel, where they collect.